Oct 27 2011, 05:42 AM
Here is my first and gay sig. Please give me your opinions!
naive Wrote:I've fallen asleep cuddling a laptop before, don't judge me.
KŋÏğĦ‘tRìĐě® Wrote:2/10 You just added text on it, and is to big for a signature, that is a background.Actually I got the pic from somewhere else the the colour was a bit darker so I made it bright! And yeah I just noticed it was too big for a signature,I will be making another sig myself tonight! Anyways I know the signwas a shitty one!
http://www.windows7ms.com/wp-content/wa ... 554117.jpg
KuT- Wrote:It would of been sick if you made it from scratch, watch a few tutorials and make your backgrounds from scratch theres many simple ways of doing it ;DI did watch a tutorial after this sig but what size so you recommend?
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