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Night Watch HQ.
BaNaNaMaN Wrote:
ruplayer Wrote:Popeye - APPROVED (check your steam, welcome to our group)


I can't modify 1st message because it's no longer existing profile, one of war-lords moderators that belong to our group can modify it, maybe iSpy. Please remove Neo, Mr.l{@TЭ, Sorber from the list and add ODDFUTUREWOLFGooN!!!!!!!!!!!! and Popeye. Thanks.
Fixed it =P , c'mon ruplayer, his a nice guy. Even though he is in AA, doesn't rreally mean he can't join! W33D and I are in AA and after being in this clan do long there haven't been any issues between me or you or any of the other clan members.
true, hes a nice guy, if my opinion matters i approve of him to join.
yeah my comment with the frog was just a funny joke...
[Image: jmchoooiumxgp4oyra5.png][Image: 4im0y2kvr2yk2v2nr7.png] ... n#msg34895
^^^^ Click and say Thank you to the guys who keep
this shit going.NOW^^^^

naive Wrote:I've fallen asleep cuddling a laptop before, don't judge me.
joker8baller Wrote:
Macka Wrote:
silly Wrote:What do you have against AngryAnimals?

1. потому что изначально наш клан был сделан как (истребители АА)
2. потому что у вас в клане школоло и я даже был свидетелем как из вашего клана админ шлепал игрока с другой команды который был camper а потом выгнал его, а на форуме меня обвиняли в этом!
3. потому что вы считаете себя выше всех (вы животные) я не знаю из вашего клана не одного нормально человека!

мы те кто поставит вас на место, хоть нас еще и мало

4. у вас в клане играют читеры

5. ваш клан был ошибкой  ;D  ;D
1) Dumb reason
2) You were wrongfully accused by a camper and you blame an entire clan for that? If the player was camping as you claim, then the admin rightfully slapped them.
3) No, we don't. You really don't put us in your place, and in fact most of your original members used to say that clans were the dumbest things around.
4) No, we don't cheat.
5) How was it a mistake? Hell, I don't even remember you from the old days, and I don't even remember playing with you now. We're not a clan in your typical sense, if you remember the old days you can remember why Angry was created along with every other single clan iteration in War-Lords. Since you weren't around, I'll enlighten you.

First iteration: PHYS~. Original members: Sporkis, Hydro, SammyTheBull, Myself, Lil' Bean (Rabbit). We formed up around February of 2011. We wanted to scrim with each other.
After this, Sporkis and Hydro kicked out Bean for some odd reason and we continued under SinisterKidz and other shit. Sporkis and Hydro had a fight, and they split. Sporkis had his own thing. Hydro and Bean created Massappeal. Hydro and Bean had a fight and Bean split to create AngryAnimals.

At this point Sporkis was banned, so his clan died. Hydro and Bean hated each other but most of their members (save for a few) got along. Hydro got his admin removed, went on a crazy fit, and MassAppeal died. Most of the members went to AA.

At this point, most of the members, myself included, went to AA. AA was created for a group of wL regulars to have fun, and to have a consistent group to scrim against. No one gave a shit about politics, or shit like that. It was created because people wanted to chill with each other. None of the original AA's took shit seriously and clan tags were just there to show who had been around for a long time.


I'm fucking sick and tired of the bullshit that your members hold against AngryAnimals. It's fucking bullshit, just because your leaders and disagreed with some of our leaders doesn't mean you hold a grudge against the entire group. It's bullshit, it's immature, and it's childish. Grow the fuck up. Most of our members get along with each other. RU and I don't hate each other, Spartan and I don't hate each other, the list goes on. We're not some group that thinks OMG WE'RE AN AWESOME CLAN. We're just here to have fun with each other.

It's simply a group of regulars on the War-Lords servers that gamed together and had fun. There isn't some elitist bullshit, and if someone starts saying that there is, let us know and we'll take care of it. That's not what AA is for, it's for people who have a good time on wL to stay connected on Teamspeak and for the group to grow via friends and scrimming.

I admit AA is def. growing past the original amount and I have no clue on who is admitting the random players in. Still, grow the fuck up Macka.

Anyways, we knew that being ex-AA was one of your rules. So you probably should kick out Goon and Bananaman who both rep our tag. Or force them to leave AA.

если ты нехуя не понял что я написал.. НАХУЯ ТЫ ОТВЕЧАЕШЬ?!
Night Watch Rulez!
[Image: x_0e46e8c9.jpg]
[Image: x_b9cdfbfe.jpg]
Someone care to translate? Google translate just sucks.
(° ‿ ° ✿)

[Image: EternalReaper.png]
[Image: 2hmjw44.png]

Quote:You were wrongfully accused by a camper and you blame an entire clan for that? If the player was camping as you claim, then the admin rightfully slapped them.

оооооуууу, а почему меня тогда обвиняли в том что я выгонял camper хоть я этого и не делал?! почему когда меня не было дома, а когда я пришел мне написал i-spy что я кому то дал запрет? (меня не было дома, к компьютеру не кто не подходит) я не буду говорить ник того кто выгоняет camper (а играли 7 на 7 и camper был 1 а их было 5) это ведь не по правилам, ну если еще хоть раз на меня хоть что то скажут, я представлю все доказательства, несомневайся мой юнный друг  Wink
Night Watch Rulez!
[Image: x_0e46e8c9.jpg]
[Image: x_b9cdfbfe.jpg]
ooooouuuu, and why I was then accused of that, I drove camper though I did not do? why when I was not home, and when I came to my i-spy wrote that I gave to someone ban? (I was not home, not to a computer who does not fit), I will not say who that nick throws camper (and played 7 on 7 and was a camper and there were 5) because it's against the rules, well, if ever again for me anything you say, I will present all the evidence, nesomnevaysya my friend JuniorWink

Ah, yes. Insult me because you assume I'm younger. Nice.

So, i-Spy wrote that you gave him a wrong ban? And that's why you dislike AA? i-Spy's not even in AA!
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
joker8baller Wrote:ooooouuuu, and why I was then accused of that, I drove camper though I did not do? why when I was not home, and when I came to my i-spy wrote that I gave to someone ban? (I was not home, not to a computer who does not fit), I will not say who that nick throws camper (and played 7 on 7 and was a camper and there were 5) because it's against the rules, well, if ever again for me anything you say, I will present all the evidence, nesomnevaysya my friend JuniorWink

Ah, yes. Insult me because you assume I'm younger. Nice.

So, i-Spy wrote that you gave him a wrong ban? And that's why you dislike AA? i-Spy's not even in AA!

братан ты меня уже бесишь только потому что не понимаешь того что я пишу, и пишешь что то свое  Tongue это выглядит очень глупо и смешно... лучше помолчи  Wink
Night Watch Rulez!
[Image: x_0e46e8c9.jpg]
[Image: x_b9cdfbfe.jpg]
I'm using the translator. Irregardless, you still called us hackers, blame us for false accusations that we had nothing to do with, and you accuse us for thinking we're better than you.

I already asked Bison to look into it, and he did delete a lot of your comments but from my understanding he's been very busy.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
BaNaNaMaN Wrote:
ruplayer Wrote:Popeye - APPROVED (check your steam, welcome to our group)


I can't modify 1st message because it's no longer existing profile, one of war-lords moderators that belong to our group can modify it, maybe iSpy. Please remove Neo, Mr.l{@TЭ, Sorber from the list and add ODDFUTUREWOLFGooN!!!!!!!!!!!! and Popeye. Thanks.
Fixed it =P , c'mon ruplayer, his a nice guy. Even though he is in AA, doesn't rreally mean he can't join! W33D and I are in AA and after being in this clan do long there haven't been any issues between me or you or any of the other clan members.
Ok, I don't believe that we can share stuff with him. I know you before you were AA member as well as goon.

I think Macka meant to say that you had a cheater in your clan(that was kicked), and I don't want flames here I disagree with #3, because a lot of AA members are good people, but a lot more don't even deserve to be mentioned here. Oh, I don't think MACKA isn't older than you joker, мой юный друг translated wrongly, it means someone who's isn't old enough to be called old man.
[Image: jqmd52.png][Image: Craack.gif]
Ask to have a Night Watch section for the forum to be made and you as well as others you approve of to have mod status in there.
(° ‿ ° ✿)

[Image: EternalReaper.png]
[Image: 2hmjw44.png]

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