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Videos -HACKERS-
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:IMO just shouldn't have put it with the argument that is at hand.

You might have Pm'ed him about it so that it doesn't look like your trying to talk SH8T about him where everyone can see. Its really anooying to have someone hound you about spelling or punctuation.

I would even like to go as far as saying that its flaming but yeah.

So, you could've PM'd that instead of making it look like you're talking crap.
(° ‿ ° ✿)

[Image: EternalReaper.png]
[Image: 2hmjw44.png]

SpartanOnLSD Wrote:IMO just shouldn't have put it with the argument that is at hand.

You might have Pm'ed him about it so that it doesn't look like your trying to talk SH8T about him where everyone can see. Its really anooying to have someone hound you about spelling or punctuation.

I would even like to go as far as saying that its flaming but yeah.

Not flaming,just found this funny.
[Image: If-you-cant-win-an-argument-correct-thei...nstead.png]
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
The difference is that you asked

Eternal Wrote:What would be considered to be a better way of putting it?

and he did not ask how to use commas.

Please don't try to make it look like Im flaming you, when you ASKED!
[Image: jmchoooiumxgp4oyra5.png][Image: 4im0y2kvr2yk2v2nr7.png] ... n#msg34895
^^^^ Click and say Thank you to the guys who keep
this shit going.NOW^^^^

naive Wrote:I've fallen asleep cuddling a laptop before, don't judge me.
Eternal Wrote:
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:IMO just shouldn't have put it with the argument that is at hand.

You might have Pm'ed him about it so that it doesn't look like your trying to talk SH8T about him where everyone can see. Its really anooying to have someone hound you about spelling or punctuation.

I would even like to go as far as saying that its flaming but yeah.

So, you could've PM'd that instead of making it look like you're talking crap.

Eternal, I am not on anyone's side here because obviously we haven't gotten of the beaten track, but I believe spartan was referring to you. Saying that you should have PM'ed him that it was inappropriate to do so.

Honestly, it is only slightly disrespectful when a player does such a thing to another player but when an admin just blatantly turns down an idea with no words it kinda puts me down. So I thank Eternal for not sticking up for me but the player whole in general.

-iSpy, if you do not punctuate correctly things could be greatly blown out of proportion, words could be misinterpreted, and you could overall end up with a clusterfuck on your hands. I don't believe Eternal was trying to be rude just "suggestive" as the section implies. So let's stop making mountains out of molehills and continue on playing. I did not create this thread to hack admins at each others necks...

Now if y'all will just take this conversation to another thread I would still like to continue.

Spartacus Wrote:I think you can just PM an admin if you deem a player who was using cheats has managed through the current system. Btw James, is your current suggestion a generic one or is there an actual player who is cheating and still playing in wL?

I make sure that every cheater I play with is removed from the servers immediately. I get an admin in to ban them as soon as possible and drop the demo on the forums. I would never let a cheater/hacker go free in the wL servers. The flaw with PMing an admin is you don't know if you'll have a response as soon as you want.

You see the thing is although you are disproving my idea there are hundreds of threads which disprove your thoughts. People can watch others and get better at hacking? There is a large database in the "Hacker Abuse" section that provides hackers all they need to "learn how to not hack". All I am asking is to remove this videos and compile them into a large database in a particular section or even thread maybe and make it admin accessible. And when people have further incriminating evidence on another they should be able to give it to an admin so that they may put it in and discuss it with the other admins.
I agree with James that such a section could be potentially useful, but I do also acknowledge ptk and assassin's postition that it could help hackers in concealing their hacks (if it was public).

I agree with eternal's point that ispy should back up his disapproval (thumbs down) with some sort of explanation (preferably constructive). Although "Learn to use commas please" is an ad hominem (distracting attack of the arguer instead of the argument).

In response to: "The littlest things, make the biggest difference", logically the biggest things make the biggest difference.
[Image: 2ntzjn7.png]
silly (no sound): you need to learn
Zero: i taught you
silly (no sound): how to be cool like me
Zero: you knifed me when i retired
silly (no sound): I have hopes for you
silly (no sound): to be my apprentice
silly (no sound): my prodigy
silly (no sound): to carry on my legacy
silly (no sound): good luck padawan
silly (no sound): may the force be with you
Zero: lol
Zero: why you make it sound that you are never coming back alive master?
Zero: Tongue
silly (no sound): I will
silly (no sound): when you're ready
silly (no sound): to show me what you've learnt
silly (no sound): when you're a jedi
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:The difference is that you asked

Eternal Wrote:What would be considered to be a better way of putting it?

and he did not ask how to use commas.

Please don't try to make it look like Im flaming you, when you ASKED!

Tbh Spartan you were born a flamer. Take that any way you like <3.

Now to get on subject. As i'm sure most of you know, people on forums are given privileges. It wouldn't be hard at all to allow only members or registered users to view said topics. Now lets say one of our members is being watch for hacking (I would hope not). Its also not hard to restrict what that one individual can or cannot see. One major problem that you cannot control is word of mouth. Friends will tell friends that they are being watched. If someone is being watched for cheating I don't want them hiding it for a few weeks and then go back to their ways.

All in all, this idea is a good one and I think should be implemented. Just know the repercussions that come along with it.
Is this thing on?

[Image: 11qid6d.jpg]

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