Dec 21 2011, 01:24 AM
Name: nero
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:15469276
I was banned by what I believe was an automatic trigger by some anti-cheat, that detected my bunnyhopping scripts - I would like to first start out by apologizing for scripting on the server. I was playing on a server earlier that day, that allowed scripting, and I had forgotten to disable them when I joined your server and was banned. I would secondly like to say that I've stopped playing on that server and will never use a bunnyhop scripting again, while in your server or not. I am a legitimately okay bunnyhopper, but since I was in that server I decided to script so as not to seem inferior to scripters. I now only play in bunnyhop servers that have SMAC or zBlock, and I won't ever join a war-lords server, or any server for that matter, with a bunnyhop script. I hope you accept my apology and unban me, or perhaps shorten my ban (this happened over 2 weeks ago, I think).
Also, I'm not sure if anyone else had this problem, but when I tried signing up on the forums right after it happened, I kept getting some odd error, which is why I posted this now and not then.
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:15469276
I was banned by what I believe was an automatic trigger by some anti-cheat, that detected my bunnyhopping scripts - I would like to first start out by apologizing for scripting on the server. I was playing on a server earlier that day, that allowed scripting, and I had forgotten to disable them when I joined your server and was banned. I would secondly like to say that I've stopped playing on that server and will never use a bunnyhop scripting again, while in your server or not. I am a legitimately okay bunnyhopper, but since I was in that server I decided to script so as not to seem inferior to scripters. I now only play in bunnyhop servers that have SMAC or zBlock, and I won't ever join a war-lords server, or any server for that matter, with a bunnyhop script. I hope you accept my apology and unban me, or perhaps shorten my ban (this happened over 2 weeks ago, I think).
Also, I'm not sure if anyone else had this problem, but when I tried signing up on the forums right after it happened, I kept getting some odd error, which is why I posted this now and not then.