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Dust2 Deathmatch
silly Wrote:Ok, I didn't mind the rockets when they at least had an element of skill involved, weren't overpowered, and were dodgeable. Now with them being homing missiles, it's just a bunch of spam that you can't avoid. Totally not why I play deathmatch at all. I just want unlimited lives and fast action. Hoping some people will agree.

A suggestion: put the rockets into the minigames server?
Totally agree.
I like the rockets and random spawn locations, but now the rockets track you down, you have no chance out in the open. Even with 30-40 damage each, if two direct hit you, you are almost dead.
I dont agree actually, i like being able to throw the rocket way up in the air, and it comes down seeking someone outta nowhere and hurts them. The spawning is still annoying though.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
General Josh Wrote:I dont agree actually, i like being able to throw the rocket way up in the air, and it comes down seeking someone outta nowhere and hurts them.
So where is the skill in that?
moose Wrote:
General Josh Wrote:I dont agree actually, i like being able to throw the rocket way up in the air, and it comes down seeking someone outta nowhere and hurts them.
So where is the skill in that?
#no skillz.. Tongue
[Image: 1UH9a8H.png]

[Image: 5pfuEDP.gif]
Having random spawns makes using random guns, quite fun. Even though I still say: 2 nades and 1 rocket would be a lot better, imo. Tongue
(° ‿ ° ✿)

[Image: EternalReaper.png]
[Image: 2hmjw44.png]

silly Wrote:and were dodgeable.
They are very easy to dodge. If you're stationary that's when they tend to hit you. The rockets have a very hard time turning.
Steam Wrote: 4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: was out
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: bison, dude
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: ???
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: you're very rude towards alina
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: how about unbanning her friend?
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: I mean
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: it's only gamebanana skins
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: ^^
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOLOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: lol
I know that all the new changes are annoying ( gawd dang no one likes change Tongue ) . But IMO people should wait and try these changes with an open mind . And besides i have not seen a drop in activity on the contrary it has gone up since the last steam update . i suggest yall to try this out fa a month and then we can have a poll about this and re evaluate. And for the record i have been around a looooooooooooooooong time on wl and have yet to see one change that was well recieved at first by all players but wl always endures and has no steep drop in population atleast on the dm . 24/7 and pop map servers !!

SIDE NOTE :: Why on earth did we shut down our fy server . O.o . can we have them back up in place of the dead pistol server ?

[Image: 21abvjs.png]
M. Bison Wrote:
silly Wrote:and were dodgeable.
They are very easy to dodge. If you're stationary that's when they tend to hit you. The rockets have a very hard time turning.
No way, I was trying to escape from them by running away but even that wasn't working very well.
[Image: 2ntzjn7.png]
silly (no sound): you need to learn
Zero: i taught you
silly (no sound): how to be cool like me
Zero: you knifed me when i retired
silly (no sound): I have hopes for you
silly (no sound): to be my apprentice
silly (no sound): my prodigy
silly (no sound): to carry on my legacy
silly (no sound): good luck padawan
silly (no sound): may the force be with you
Zero: lol
Zero: why you make it sound that you are never coming back alive master?
Zero: Tongue
silly (no sound): I will
silly (no sound): when you're ready
silly (no sound): to show me what you've learnt
silly (no sound): when you're a jedi
M. Bison Wrote:
silly Wrote:and were dodgeable.
They are very easy to dodge. If you're stationary that's when they tend to hit you. The rockets have a very hard time turning.

how much damage do they do anyway? i hit silly with 3 but he was still in one piece, and is there any chance to make them homing rockets lol
Assassin Wrote:
M. Bison Wrote:
silly Wrote:and were dodgeable.
They are very easy to dodge. If you're stationary that's when they tend to hit you. The rockets have a very hard time turning.

how much damage do they do anyway? i hit silly with 3 but he was still in one piece, and is there any chance to make them homing rockets lol

Silly cheats, that's why.

I'm not sure I like the new rockets. They can be fun, but if you really want to deathmatch they can be annoying when people spam them.

Random spawns for the win though.

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