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11 Year old girl will be britains youngest mother.
I think historically this sort of thing is probably much less common than in past times. In the past and in most areas of poverty children were/are treated as commodities and not respected much at all. In many 3rd world countries the practices continue to this day. It's sickening and there are thousands of cases that never make the news far more sickening than the story of this fucked up girl who at least has a quasi-loving family.  There are children being sold into sex slavery literally every day. I heard a story on NPR the other day about a small boy sold to a passing man for something like 10$ USD, there was a happy ending to his story as he ended up being a national hero athlete but for most that is not the case. ... -episode-1
^Not porn, vice guide to travel makes documentaries about hard to reach places in the world. In this one I believe they interview some 3rd world sex workers and ask them about their childhoods. Not for the weak of heart or mind, all vice guide to travel videos are well worth watching though. Will blow your mind.
"Most people think time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm."
Naive just used spartan to make his double post legit...
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Man this world has gone to the dogs . the bastard responsible for this must be castrated. this is just plain out right sick .
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pTK Wrote:Read the article :p    the mother plans to name her child Leo.      which means Leo is a time traveler

that is sooo stolen from Lost's story line. hax.
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she said:
Quote:"I didn't think I'd get pregnant because it was my first time. But I'm really excited and looking forward to being a mum.
"I can't wait to take the baby swimming and out for walks in the pram. I think I'll be able to cope as I've had lots of practice looking after my brothers.
"I know how to feed a baby its bottle and I can change nappies. But I panic and cry if they're sick and I don't like giving them a bath because I'm a bit frightened.
WTF? girl, u such a b!tch, you CAN NOT do anything...
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How she's gonna watch after her child while she still play dolls? Tea time?
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SpartanOnLSD Wrote:
ruplayer Wrote:Naive just got younger brother on the way...

dude wtf that is not funny. your having sex with an 11 year old? lol

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naive Wrote:In all fairness, in soviet russia.. children rape you!

I am now moving to Russia. ;P
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This thread is bringing out all the things I don't want to know about you guys....
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Although I definitely think 11 is too young to have children, the age when people usually start to have sex depends on the culture, social structure of a society. Pure from a biological point of view, I think the age of reproduction starts at 12 or something.

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