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Can we do something about this guy
well he doesn't speak or read English, one i asked opinions, and thank you to everyone except cedeoo there, two, could ruplayer or one of the guys who speaks Russian go get him so i can issue him a full written apology for my actions, as well as what i want him to do? Sort of a peer mediation as they call it at my school ;D,(it seems like that kind of thing works over the internet, and not between two ppl face to face).

Oh and to further something for a minute
ceddeeoo Wrote:it sounds like you keep getting pwned by this guy and you are mad

So you didnt post this ceddeeoo, you didnt openly mock me, and oh wait you aren't the only one who did, you cant just be civil like everyone else was, thank you Drunk, Riser, Tomix, ruplayer for actually being good ppl and giving your thoughts on this. Oh and with an Asian guy in the image to, i can't happen to be a white boy with a Chinese last name and perfect English grammar, huh!
The image is pretty funny after a while, but still i dont know why you are the only one here who seems to ever(excluding death)have taken an issue with something i posted, and why you have to be the only one who mocked me in this topic.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
Why are you being sarcastic ? I did completely mock you and you deserved it. And I do completely agree with you on one thing, you should write an apology for him. He didn't deserve any of the behavior you performed. I'm being completely honest to you about your case, this is the internet, if you cannot handle someone's opinion that differs from yours well you'll just have to learn. I never pretended to be an admin, hence why I said  "I think you should be banned for 3 days". I'm in a position to offer criticisms as much as anyone, this is an open public thread, I couldn't care less if you respect me or not.

I'm not going to post again in this thread because I've made my points very clear before:

Someone was ignoring you in the server that you said hi to. Then, some russian guy knifed you or killed you in some fashion that made you mad and you started to get ticked off. He at some point voted to ban you because you voted to ban the guy that was ignoring you, and then you lost it and started flaming him with inappropriate language. The Russian guy does not understand english nor can read this alphabet and therefore had no idea what you were saying. You kept attempting to join his team to avoid being killed by him and he followed suit, changing teams to kill you. He continued to kill you and you got so mad you went on the forums and made a thread to accuse him of the charges you yourself committed but he did not: flaming, trolling, inappropriate language, etc... That is all the evidence that has been presented to my eyes.
ceddeeoo Wrote:it sounds like you keep getting pwned by this guy and you are mad

yup that happens to me almost every time i play this game...just rage and move on Big Grin
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ceddeeoo Wrote:Why are you being sarcastic ? I did completely mock you and you deserved it. And I do completely agree with you on one thing, you should write an apology for him. He didn't deserve any of the behavior you performed. I'm being completely honest to you about your case, this is the internet, if you cannot handle someone's opinion that differs from yours well you'll just have to learn. I never pretended to be an admin, hence why I said  "I think you should be banned for 3 days". I'm in a position to offer criticisms as much as anyone, this is an open public thread, I couldn't care less if you respect me or not.

I'm not going to post again in this thread because I've made my points very clear before:

Someone was ignoring you in the server that you said hi to. Then, some russian guy knifed you or killed you in some fashion that made you mad and you started to get ticked off. He at some point voted to ban you because you voted to ban the guy that was ignoring you, and then you lost it and started flaming him with inappropriate language. The Russian guy does not understand english nor can read this alphabet and therefore had no idea what you were saying. You kept attempting to join his team to avoid being killed by him and he followed suit, changing teams to kill you. He continued to kill you and you got so mad you went on the forums and made a thread to accuse him of the charges you yourself committed but he did not: flaming, trolling, inappropriate language, etc... That is all the evidence that has been presented to my eyes.
One your facts are completely off, two, i find it very mean in your case when you mock someone and you're the only one who does it, you couldn't be civil and just put a opinion up, you had to mock me, two as iv'e stated, i was trying to get the attention of endosmoke i player i played with alot in the past and he was ignoring me, so to see if either he was truly ignoring me or just stoned like he is most of the time ive played with him, i typed a votekick on his name, but for some reason, this Russian guy here who i wasn't even talking about or minding at all, typed voteban on me, even when i tried to inform him i wasn't talking about him, and so i got mad at him, sure it wasn't right, but thats why i bring it the attention of the forum, so that i can get a wider audience judgement on whose wrong, and it appears im wrong, but that also i have a point, which should be resolved as Drunk stated in his post now if you cant leave me alone with your constant obnoxious disagreements with what i post then im gonna report, note this isnt the first time you've taken issue with a post of mine a less then appropriate manner.

And exactly cortex, and thats what i did, now i just want to resolve it with the guy who is subject of this thread so i dont have to get into with him again.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
I said I wasn't going to reply again but Josh is attempting to troll me in the chat (read from bottom to top) :

[color=rgb(68, 68, 68)][/color][color=rgb(0, 127, 255)]JumbOlaya[/color][color=rgb(68, 68, 68)]: deat
[/color][color=rgb(119, 119, 119)]Today at 06:03:29 PM[/color]General Josh[color=rgb(68, 68, 68)]: then why you so defensive about it bro?
[/color][color=rgb(119, 119, 119)]Today at 06:03:26 PM[/color]General Josh[color=rgb(68, 68, 68)]: ceddeeo's just mad at me because i'm calling him on his BS is all cortex
[/color][color=rgb(119, 119, 119)]Today at 06:03:06 PM[/color][color=rgb(102, 153, 51)]ceddeeoo[/color][color=rgb(68, 68, 68)]: I said, please do not try to bring this to the chat. A thread is quite enough, and I've already said I'm not going to reply any further.
[/color][color=rgb(119, 119, 119)]Today at 06:03:05 PM[/color]General Josh[color=rgb(68, 68, 68)]: nice, your defensive about it, so i must have some kind of truth to my statement, need i post up the quotes of you overreacting at me?
[/color][color=rgb(119, 119, 119)]Today at 06:02:09 PM[/color][color=rgb(102, 153, 51)]Cortex[/color][color=rgb(68, 68, 68)]: woah woah woah whats goin on here
[/color][color=rgb(119, 119, 119)]Today at 06:01:32 PM[/color][color=rgb(102, 153, 51)]ceddeeoo[/color][color=rgb(68, 68, 68)]: I take issue with some of the content you post on these forums, yes, but I have no personal grudge against you. Please do not try to bring this to the chat.
[/color][color=rgb(119, 119, 119)]Today at 06:00:23 PM[/color]General Josh[color=rgb(68, 68, 68)]: do i need to remind ceddeeo there of his bad attitude towards me, i feel like i do, cuz he just can't help but take issue with almost everything i post.
[/color][color=rgb(119, 119, 119)]Today at 05:57:33 PM[/color]

and more:

General Josh: haha. I never use pickup lines, they're really dumb. but here is one: , and you didnt say this after all ceddeeoo, i mean how much more of a douche can you be?
ceddeeoo: Second of all, I both mocked and proposed a definitely solution to your case.
ceddeeoo: I was definitely not the only one who took issue with your post on the Asian guy, everyone else in the thread did too.
General Josh: i mean i dont get it, you took issue with my posts about the Asian guy who was left in a cell for five days, you're the only one who mocked me rather than try to get a definitive solution in my topic, and now you're defensive about it all, wow i must have something here then...


General Josh: im saying you sound like a real douche for typing that
Today at 06:09:59 PM

he keeps on going....
Oh so now you're the judge of everyone now is that it, Im officially directing this thread at you now, can we do something about this guy; cedeeoo

I dont know how thats spamming, and i dont know why apparently i can't call you on your Bs but you want to start a BS war, ok....
ceddeeoo Wrote:Shut up. Unconscious racial discrimination is present everywhere against all races. You may not think of yourself as racist, but when you're walking alone at night and a black dude with baggy clothing is walking behind you, you're definitely going to think differently about the situation than if he was asian, white, arabic or hispanic (same case applies to all of these... everyone has their own preconceptions of races and they will be influenced by stereotypes and various forms of media you have encountered in which they are present in). I haven't seen any case of Americans being more discriminating against asians than against african americans, hispanics and arabics...

And how is posting what he considers world news "spamming" ? He finds articles he finds interesting and takes the time to share them with us. What do you do about his efforts ? You whine about it.
ceddeeoo Wrote:holy shit you're absolutely mind boggingly stupid. What you wrote wasn't an analogy, and I didn't leave caucasians out of the equation at all, not only did I say "all races" multiple times but I said white once or twice. I never said a black person with baggy clothes would be a "threat" so don't bother trying to quote me saying things I never said. The last sentence you wrote doesn't make any sense, how could I justify that you are wrong without looking at the argument. Do I have a personal grudge against you ? No, i've never talked to you before this.

Why would his race (the original story) have anything to do with the situation ? You really think guards at the DEA heard a kid going insane, screaming and kicking the door and just went "bah, he's asian, who cares." ?

How could you even compare the treatment african americans received during the civil rights era to this single case which was most probably a  huge fuck-up on a single person's behalf is beyond me. Tell me in the article what this incident had anything to do with race ? You basically went "white people are racist against asians!!!!!" in a thread that was completely unrelated.
One starting a post with "Shut up" yea like that isnt in any way inappropriate. And then saying "holy shit you're absolutely mind boggingly stupid." in the next response to me, like that isnt inappropriate huh bro?  Apparently i can't express my opinion freely in a public forum because what, you just have to be right all the damn time, apparently i can't have the opinion that there was a racial bias in that topic's events, and that apparently i wrote "white people are racist against asians!!!!!" oh but wait those arent my words, you just assume thats what i meant. And you did get the analogy i was making, but you yet say"What you wrote wasn't an analogy", an analogy is a comparison, whether between to similar or dissimilar subjects is up to the writer bro. I mean you insulted me like 4 times in 2 posts, and you couldn't just express your opinion in an amicable way huh? you open with an insult, and close with statements the basically try to make yourself sound better than everyone, and you mean to tell me
ceddeeoo Wrote:haha. I never use pickup lines, they're really dumb. but here is one:
this line doesnt make you sound better than everyone who posted in that best pickup lines thread. Yet then rather than being the bigger man, you have to one act all defensive about it when i call you on it, and then two you accuse me of spamming the chat box when basically everybody chats like 2-4 times in row, yet you wouldn't say they're trolling/spamming, you only say i am when i chat more than once in the chat box.
And you know, for all that, im gonna report you, and if the admins need a reference , they can look right here.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
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good god I am not reading past the first sentence of that post. Admins, please read the thread in full that he is referring to :'/

and please lock this thread.... it is an eyesore

edit: more trolling in the chat

General Josh: Well that settles that, i apologized to him, he apologized to me, we're even now; Now my problem is with Ceddeeoo!
Today at 08:42:55 PM
Today at 07:49:57 PM
General Josh: Night drunk
Today at 07:49:24 PM
General Josh: thank you, thats all i want.............
Today at 07:49:17 PM
DRUNK_KILLER: now hes scrimming and im going to bed
Today at 07:49:06 PM
DRUNK_KILLER: ill talk to him later
Today at 07:48:57 PM
General Josh:       
Today at 07:46:51 PM
General Josh: damn with the overreacting, you're gonna make me cry, i will leave it alone, just do something about ceddeeoo
Today at 07:46:00 PM
DRUNK_KILLER: for love of god
Today at 07:45:24 PM
DRUNK_KILLER: just leave that thread alone
Today at 07:45:20 PM
General Josh: i obviously have a point, as he wants the admin to lock that thread ,what a coward, rather than be a man and admit he post those things, he wants to play chicken, plz moderate him admins.
Today at 07:33:33 PM
General Josh: lol drunk,anywho, i dont think cedde boi there is too comfortable with what i posted on him
Today at 07:31:06 PM

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Bottom line - learn Russian.
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Dont know how thats trolling or why he's contiually bringing up shit like some neurotic nerd, i was just talking to drunk Killer and you call that trolling, something is seriously wrong with u ceddeeoo, dont know what, but if your idea of a joke is being the only mocking, angry raging poster on the forum to everything i post, then you are pretty cruel, and i hope the moderators review you, because what you said was basically inappropriate and you know it(im refering to that large post of quotes of you).

Thank you ruplayer. Big Grin
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6

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