Jun 16 2012, 11:44 PM
Name: shark_shooter
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:1623258543
plz unban me , it was all do to a mistake , my brother who had this pc was always cheating all i wanted to do is to test if it's working and what it offers, u can see that's my first time joining ur server nd i rly want to join it nd keep on joining it.
anyway thx for reading and paying ur attention (sry 4 the bad english) , so at last i ask u ''plzzz unban me''
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:1623258543
plz unban me , it was all do to a mistake , my brother who had this pc was always cheating all i wanted to do is to test if it's working and what it offers, u can see that's my first time joining ur server nd i rly want to join it nd keep on joining it.
anyway thx for reading and paying ur attention (sry 4 the bad english) , so at last i ask u ''plzzz unban me''