Sep 18 2012, 02:53 AM
If anyone has a problem with me expressing my ideas on the changes that need to be made to the forums and community as a whole than GTFO. If you would like to read on and mock go ahead it's your obligation. I must say that these forums are dead. Maybe it's just been a slow week or school is back in session but that shouldn't be preventing at least one intellectual post a day. Let's go ahead and list off a few changes I think would bring people in.
The status changes are as follows.
*New* - status means an item is new and has not been discussed in the thread.
(Achieved) - status means the owners listened to our opinions and made the alterations.
(In Progress) - status means either: A. All the kinks haven't been worked out., B. A staff member has commented on it., C. I believe it still needs a change., D. The reason given for a decline was not good enough.
(DECLINED) - status is normally given to those ideas that were rejected for good reason. I will normally give a reference to where the reason can be found unless it was personally pmed to me in which case I will just issue this status and move on.
1. (Achieved) A new forum layout. (Forum Theme Thread) So get this, kids stay up past their bedtime. You know what they are afraid of? Getting caught on the computer. Counter Strike has dark tones so that the only thing that could possibly be too bright is certain maps and a flashbang and kids like that little excitement of maybe being caught. However, when you have this wall of white they avoid us in the night. Darken the tones. Get some nice reds and blacks and dark blues. Make it more deep and soothing.
2. (In Progress) Bring back the point system. You know. The rock.... People like earning perks on forums that effect them in game. This would be great for the warcraft server. Something like so many posts would gain you exp ingame. If you guys plan on taking the WCS idea anyways. But there was a perk a while ago that allowed players to enter reserve slots for servers. I liked it. Obviously there is too much traffic at times and admins can't get in. But points on the forums is always fun. You could also somehow incorporate it into a Minecraft server if you had one.
3. (In Progress) Forum section change. With the new color scheme should come a column change. Move some things around. Make things easier to access. I don't enjoy scroll down to find video mania. I want it to be a tab so I can quick click to it. Or at least rearrange the forums to make more sub forums. Move the general and gaming chat to the top with news and introductions.
These aren't even close to all the ideas I have. But quite frankly I don't know if I want to even waste my breathe if I am not being heard. I mean c'mon guys. It's so dead I hear no crickets. It's kinda depressing that this forum was so high functioning when I left it and I came back and I haven't seen nearly anyone on in over a week who didn't have complaints or ban appeals. This isn't a site to solve problems, it's one to have fun and discuss with one another OUTSIDE the game. To chill and discuss things we like. We should be able to start a conversation in the server and be so motivated to actually move it to the forums so people talk more in depth and you get everyone's opinion.
+ UPDATE: September 18, 2012 : 10 am central
4. (DECLINED - Reason Given by Matt - Page 1 Post #12) Please fix that wretched MOTD. I apologize but I would love to view the forums as I enter the server. Instead of always having to shift+tab to check the site or using the windows key to desktop and manually opening up firefox. With adding the sites main page to the MOTD every map change people have the capability of checking posts they made on the site. Increasing traffic flow into the forums. Not to mention the fact they may see the CS:GO giveaway and become more active and participate.
+ UPDATE: September 19, 2012 : 9 am central
5. *New* Prestigious Titles. I believe we should acknowledge the top player and top clans of each server every month starting on the first of the next month. They should be recognized on the home tab as being an active member in the community who enjoys playing on War-Lord servers enough so that they dedicate themselves to being number one. I then so believe every couple of months we should erase all ranks and start fresh to make sure other newer players have the chance to be acknowledged. We should also acknowledge the most decorated player per day from each server. I will be making a thread and linking to it with THIS that will give an example and may become the initial thread to start that off. It will be updated daily at around this time every morning.
If you support this please like it. Otherwise your voice won't be heard.
If anyone has a problem with me expressing my ideas on the changes that need to be made to the forums and community as a whole than GTFO. If you would like to read on and mock go ahead it's your obligation. I must say that these forums are dead. Maybe it's just been a slow week or school is back in session but that shouldn't be preventing at least one intellectual post a day. Let's go ahead and list off a few changes I think would bring people in.
The status changes are as follows.
*New* - status means an item is new and has not been discussed in the thread.
(Achieved) - status means the owners listened to our opinions and made the alterations.
(In Progress) - status means either: A. All the kinks haven't been worked out., B. A staff member has commented on it., C. I believe it still needs a change., D. The reason given for a decline was not good enough.
(DECLINED) - status is normally given to those ideas that were rejected for good reason. I will normally give a reference to where the reason can be found unless it was personally pmed to me in which case I will just issue this status and move on.
1. (Achieved) A new forum layout. (Forum Theme Thread) So get this, kids stay up past their bedtime. You know what they are afraid of? Getting caught on the computer. Counter Strike has dark tones so that the only thing that could possibly be too bright is certain maps and a flashbang and kids like that little excitement of maybe being caught. However, when you have this wall of white they avoid us in the night. Darken the tones. Get some nice reds and blacks and dark blues. Make it more deep and soothing.
2. (In Progress) Bring back the point system. You know. The rock.... People like earning perks on forums that effect them in game. This would be great for the warcraft server. Something like so many posts would gain you exp ingame. If you guys plan on taking the WCS idea anyways. But there was a perk a while ago that allowed players to enter reserve slots for servers. I liked it. Obviously there is too much traffic at times and admins can't get in. But points on the forums is always fun. You could also somehow incorporate it into a Minecraft server if you had one.
3. (In Progress) Forum section change. With the new color scheme should come a column change. Move some things around. Make things easier to access. I don't enjoy scroll down to find video mania. I want it to be a tab so I can quick click to it. Or at least rearrange the forums to make more sub forums. Move the general and gaming chat to the top with news and introductions.
These aren't even close to all the ideas I have. But quite frankly I don't know if I want to even waste my breathe if I am not being heard. I mean c'mon guys. It's so dead I hear no crickets. It's kinda depressing that this forum was so high functioning when I left it and I came back and I haven't seen nearly anyone on in over a week who didn't have complaints or ban appeals. This isn't a site to solve problems, it's one to have fun and discuss with one another OUTSIDE the game. To chill and discuss things we like. We should be able to start a conversation in the server and be so motivated to actually move it to the forums so people talk more in depth and you get everyone's opinion.
+ UPDATE: September 18, 2012 : 10 am central
4. (DECLINED - Reason Given by Matt - Page 1 Post #12) Please fix that wretched MOTD. I apologize but I would love to view the forums as I enter the server. Instead of always having to shift+tab to check the site or using the windows key to desktop and manually opening up firefox. With adding the sites main page to the MOTD every map change people have the capability of checking posts they made on the site. Increasing traffic flow into the forums. Not to mention the fact they may see the CS:GO giveaway and become more active and participate.
+ UPDATE: September 19, 2012 : 9 am central
5. *New* Prestigious Titles. I believe we should acknowledge the top player and top clans of each server every month starting on the first of the next month. They should be recognized on the home tab as being an active member in the community who enjoys playing on War-Lord servers enough so that they dedicate themselves to being number one. I then so believe every couple of months we should erase all ranks and start fresh to make sure other newer players have the chance to be acknowledged. We should also acknowledge the most decorated player per day from each server. I will be making a thread and linking to it with THIS that will give an example and may become the initial thread to start that off. It will be updated daily at around this time every morning.
If you support this please like it. Otherwise your voice won't be heard.
"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." - Bhagavad-Gita
"There is nothing more devastating than the thought of death. Of complete nothingness. To lose to what you believe your true nature being. Immortality." - James
"True depression comes from ignorance and stupidity. True happiness comes from stupidity and ignorance. Contention comes from a deeper understanding of true nature and the ways in which we try to defy it." - James (So tell me, are you depressed, happy, or content?)
Please click on the banner below and vote for the wL community minecraft server!!
"There is nothing more devastating than the thought of death. Of complete nothingness. To lose to what you believe your true nature being. Immortality." - James
"True depression comes from ignorance and stupidity. True happiness comes from stupidity and ignorance. Contention comes from a deeper understanding of true nature and the ways in which we try to defy it." - James (So tell me, are you depressed, happy, or content?)
Please click on the banner below and vote for the wL community minecraft server!!
![[Image: minecraftbanner22053463.jpg]](