Lieutenant Josh, post: 78176, member: 946 Wrote:+1 to James.
Umm, if what i said is wrong, than why was you're response so long and defensive???
Ive also heard admins state that while this is an international community laggers have an unfair advantage/ are unfair for other players to be playing against because of the lag or the fact that they teleport everywhere. Now if Silly and Riser can connect from Australia and Malaysia respectively without lagging, than why can't everybody else? Just because its an international community doesn't mean you should play here if you're gonna teleport everywhere. I actually give credit to admins that actively look for laggers and warn and kick them when neccessary. I wish more of the admins could handle this problem more often is all.
The fact that your first response was a hateful one saying you'd get me a steam version of CS if i'd leave the community, and than your trying to retract it in the following post clearly shows you intended me hate from the start. Instead of trying to make a productive conversation on the subject you basically attacked me.
Sorry silly, we're being irrelavant in your thread. Yet even i have seen silly complain a number of times about laggy ppl in the dm, and when Bison says Matt is going to do something about this problem, that should've been the end of the conversation, but no, you had to drag it out arya.
I hardly think it was defensive , firstly i have no reason to be defensive with you . secondly lag has very very little to do with where you are playing from . I play from india , i rarely lag , if i am routed in a particular way i dont lag at all and my game play is beyond smooth and other times its really bad and choppy ( altho i dont lag ) i have seen people from the US lag , so that leads me to believe that the distance between the server and you hardly is the only factor as opposed to bad connection or a crappy computer with bad config that cant handle the data load which actually contribute to a larger extent . Like i said i cant care lesser about what you think .
OK , I was not trying to be hateful ( quite frankly you dont matter enough to me to take the trouble to actually hate you. EXAMPLE : I dont hate chicken liver , but i wud avoid eating it if i had the choice

) , i was telling you I would be glad to pay to have you shut the hell up , and i am not the only one , hell you have soooooooo many flame threads the we should probably have a josh section on WL . Aight answer me this , How do you expect me to have a productive conversation when you say you would leave this community ( that i have come to love and respect ) if only you could cough up the dough to get ur self a legit copy of css ???!!!!
I completely agree when you say it was silly's thread and i shud not have said these things here , but it was you who made it all about you when you started your own agenda about not liking the community . O.o( when you cudda just as easily made a new thread about your larger than life disdain for this community ) i merely replied . Still i will own up to my part . ( my bad silly , You know i luv u ) .
@ James : I know how to get to spec on a DM , I was talking about the guys who are lagging and have been warned .

, Awww i just read it again , i cudda have been clearer . my bad !!