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Obama warns Syria's Assad.
How bout this, lets carpet bomb Damascus?? Harsh enough? Oh wait crappy little Syria has always been afraid of someone destroying them, ever Since a little group of Asians known as the Mongols flattened Baghdad and struck fear into every Levantinian person in the Middle east(ill explain this one if u like). Shitty Muslim countries are always afraid someones gonna attack em, therefore they made huge(outdated) military arsenals. Lets see, they lost 3 wars to Israel(and had superior numbers in all three mind you), Amurika flattened Iraq(twice) in the gulf wars 1 and 2. Yet then whats the reaction: Oh i know lets suicide bomber the American forces and take out like 50+ of our own civilians with em too like every day. Bottom line, don't kill your own people, and find a more effective way of taking out "enemies" then having to kill 50+ innocent bystanders per attack. Oh i know, lets drop a Sarin gas warhead and instantly kill 5000 ppl( oh wait that was intentional) which is what Saddam did during the Invasion of Kuwait. Crappy Syrian retard Dictator, if you wanna suppress a revolt, History provides plenty of examples of Consumate Brutality backed by a Big Balls attitude about the National Military. Either take out everyone with you, or dont, theres no number 3 option. Unless of course you wanna be like Pathetic Gadhafi there hiding in a drain pipe when they come to get you Lol.
Sorry im ranting, and i hate bullshit Wars faught by stupid cowards in power because they can't fucking Change themselves to solve a problem. The old give an inch gain a mile cliche, maybe if u had stepped back you shitty Assad and given the people what they wanted, you coulda still held power with some legitimacy, but its too late now.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
Cool subject but unfortunately i don't wanna explain what's REALLY going on in MY country to people who believe everything from tv,articles..etc

just one question to u all: do you accept terrorism in ur country?
RED7EAGLE, post: 82703, member: 2009 Wrote:Cool subject but unfortunately i don't wanna explain what's REALLY going on in MY country to people who believe everything from tv,articles..etc

just one question to u all: do you accept terrorism in ur country?
RED <3. WHERE U BEEN BRAH? Also, no I dont accept it.
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One man's terrorism is another's freedom fighter.

This looks pretty much subjective depending on who is telling the story.

I'm more incline with the one being oppressed. And by definition of who is being oppressed is made known to me by the videos and article i've read.

be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
RED7EAGLE, post: 82703, member: 2009 Wrote:Cool subject but unfortunately i don't wanna explain what's REALLY going on in MY country to people who believe everything from tv,articles..etc

just one question to u all: do you accept terrorism in ur country?

ok so can you explain your government's airstrike on the bakery that killed 90 people ? were those people terrorists too ? What about the other 13 civilians killed in the air raid in Sfeira ?
Spartacus, post: 82709, member: 1060 Wrote:One man's terrorism is another's freedom fighter.

This looks pretty much subjective depending on who is telling the story.

I'm more incline with the one being oppressed. And by definition of who is being oppressed is made known to me by the videos and article i've read.

so in order for him to get his freedom he has to kill me? cuz i got to tell you that these people don't understand anything but killing under the name of islam... oh and im not talking about the "free army"...just google "jabhat al nusra syria" and u'll see al qaida but with a new name.
ceddeeoo, post: 82710, member: 9052 Wrote:ok so can you explain your government's airstrike on the bakery that killed 90 people ? were those people terrorists too ? What about the other 13 civilians killed in the air raid in Sfeira ?
bakery and the peace of bread filled with blood? yea,airstrikes would take out buildings...but if u look again to the video and pay good attention u would see wreckage and bodies..but the question is why is that the building behind the wreckage still standing and only showing burning marks?...anyway if u continue the vid to the end you would see that bastard who's putting the piece of bread on the blood for "unknown" reasons.
[video=youtube]http://youtube.com/watch?v=cPbSvoHgiwI [/video] sry couldn't find it in english...+18

tho im not denying that there are no airstrikes going on.
Most countries go through one or two revolutions before they can define themselves, and the people living in. Syria is going through it now, just as Egypt did and other countries in the region, and just as Britain, France, Germany etc had to go through in order to move forward.
Terrorism is defined as acts of violence based on political ideologies, and just as Spartacus said, one can view it as freedom fighter or terrorism based on where you stand subjectively.

I am not taking any stand in this crisis, but both sides are killing civilians, and history is defined by the winners as they get to write the history books. We shall see what happens.
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Former Stargate Worlds International Moderator
Well to me blowing up cars between people is terrorism, suiciders blowing up them selfs between ppl is terrorism, kidnapping 18 year old boys and calling their parents to tell em that their sons are executed is terrorism.

and Ced it doesn't matter if a chief or a general defects to "free gangs" or something like that cuz there's always a person to fill his spot.
oh and don't just copy everything u see on "jazera" cuz there's alot of vids and serious info that "al jazera" don't wanna uncover it for "unknown" reasons.

and i know many vids that proves there is terror in my country...but don't wanna put it here cuz it contains very disturbing scenes.
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