Poll: What Spawn System do you prefer ? Show Results
Current Spawn System
3 17.65%
Spawning in the general vicinity of your teammates
9 52.94%
Completely Randomized Spawning
5 29.41%
Total 17 vote(s) 100%
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Spawns in D2DM
Lieutenant Josh, post: 82054, member: 946 Wrote:Haha, i guess some people have never picked up a book(like cedeeoo).
Oh and then don't read my posts then remix, i know you already absolutely hate me, and in no way am i ever gonna suck up to you,so don't reply where you don't wanna read. Oh and paraphrasing requires no skill dude, its called riping off another writer's words and making them sound original.Fyi i was trying to keep the thread on topic, untill cedeoo there had to post a troll statement, like he always does. Go cry at yourself in the mirror cedeoo, maybe it will show you how pathetic you are.
His reply was kinda related to the topic, yours completely isn't.

wtb cleanup


I think Bisons working on a different spawn system, that changes after a certain amount of time. Not sure though.
if we actually had cleanup in this thread, all of joshs posts would be deleted and this thread would be really confusing
ceddeeoo, post: 82061, member: 9052 Wrote:if we actually had cleanup in this thread, all of joshs posts would be deleted and this thread would be really confusing
that's not entirely true. In a few of the posts I did read he was on topic but tends to ramble. I just wish he wouldn't repeat himself so much.

As far as rotating spawns goes. I do believe that will help. It however may just be a battle to the camping spots as they rotate. That's the fun part of making changes, don't know till its implemented.
Is this thing on?

[Image: 11qid6d.jpg]
yeah i know, i was obviously just trying to troll him

Double post

Lieutenant Josh, post: 82054, member: 946 Wrote:Haha, i guess some people have never picked up a book(like cedeeoo).
Oh and then don't read my posts then remix, i know you already absolutely hate me, and in no way am i ever gonna suck up to you,so don't reply where you don't wanna read. Oh and paraphrasing requires no skill dude, its called riping off another writer's words and making them sound original.Fyi i was trying to keep the thread on topic, untill cedeoo there had to post a troll statement, like he always does. Go cry at yourself in the mirror cedeoo, maybe it will show you how pathetic you are.

LOL dude you are so mad look at what you're saying. Your first post started the trolling, scroll up. you write paragraphs trying to troll me. it's pretty hilarious.

We can always do two things: As a precautionary measure, we could do polling votes right now in the server asking players if they are satisfied with the spawning system, once every day for a couple of days. If we were to implement a new spawning system, we can watch exactly what happens right after we implement it and put sm_votes to ask people what they prefer, and we can always change it back at any moment. You're acting like the world is about to end and i'm the evil mastermind behind it all rofl.
I voted 3, 2 is a good option as well. I like random spawns more than I like spawning in the general vicinity of your teammates as it tends to turn into spawn killing rather quickly (1 guy spawns then 2 more spawn on him run out get shot while he's still in the same spot with teammates spawning on him running out and dying). Random is better, but making it so that you don't spawn with enemies in your FoV or too close to enemies is best IMO.

BTW can I have an opinion on DM servers if I rarely play them?

TLDR (for ced and remix who have ADD) 3 w/ restricions>2>1>yang
Bottom line, idc what changes are wanted, until you scrubs ask the 90% majority of current players(who dont have a forum account) you aren't being fair to people by asking for changes,(must i remind yall how the last time changes were made like this how we lost the entire server population) especially to a server you rarely play on and aren't admin on(cedeoo), and i am gonna repeat myself, cause ppl don't like reading apparently.

Besides Matt and Bison, the dm admins,such as arya,riser,sako, have valid points because its there job to be in the dm, notice i underlined job.

If you're a regular player, than yeah sure you also have a valid opinion, if you play like twice or more a week i'd believe such a player would have a valid sample viewpoint of how the dm usually goes(unlike mr.ionlyplay4timesamonththere, and not once a week). Otherwise, your opinion is basically arbitrary and as a person your proposing changes about something you don't even participate in.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
nah i'm admin on that server. And it doesn't really matter that i'm not a regular on that server or whatever, i play plenty of d2dm accross a few servers and I'm just bringing up flaws with our server. And yeah maybe it did kill the server's population at the time but now it's full more than ever is it not ? yeah... I know it's very hard for people to accept changes in a video game when you're purposely using the system to your advantage to make it seem like you have skill but sadly while you're going on rampages killing unexpecting noobs from pit, all those people you kill are just like "wtf guess that part of the map is off-limits... stupid noob campers."

Double post

Alright here are the first polling results so far:

1st question: Are you satisfied with the current poll system ?

[Image: EA77A0B55C455504D6F54B99784A50DAE4EE2A97]

Poll options for poll above:
1. I like to spam 1
2. I don't speak english
3. yes
4. no

2nd Question: Which spawn system would you prefer ?
[Image: 6E9DA4609BF5C3880ED499994736A47B26A49AFF]
You can see the poll options before. Drax didnt get to vote but wanted to vote for randomized spawning.

I will be taking more polls Smile but I think it's already conclusive that at least half of the server population is unsatisfied with the spawn system.
i vote for random spawns so shitties like yang cant camp all game and say they're good
You took 2 votes, good for you, um and exactly how is 41% = 50%?? Until you have 50% + its not convincing, second, i'm all for spawning within the vicinity of my teammates. I hate random spawns because then you spawn, and an enemy can spawn in the same spot almost immeadiately right behind you, which is what happened last fucking time we had random spawns.

Also including bogus bullshit options in the votes doesn't look good bro, (i.e the "i like to spam 1" option.) Make it a fair 2 option vote for the question, yes or no, and then come show me how the server feels.

Oh look its Drax, the mr.Igetmadafterdyingtoyangtwice, should i record every instance of your worthless crying kid? You seem to do it everytime im on the server,you're the better player here, but you don't see my crying everytime you kill me, heck im muted, i couldn't if i wanted to.

Oh and yeah Killmore, you wanna answer the question as to why everytime you play someone accuses you of hacking?
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
keep crying and trying to troll josh. we all understand your point of view on this topic but it's really not just you in the server believe it or not.

more polls

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[Image: BFFDBC0B8E82123796D4D7E08D27C6DF7F1A5427]

I think we're starting to see a pattern here. When given the choice between different spawn systems, noone votes for the current spawning system.

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