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Resolved  ban protest
Clearly you haven't seen anyone outside of a pub. I don't even care anymore ban me if you want to, I just wanted to prove a point that YOU have not played with anyone outside of a PUB. It's amazing how even though I'm a pro player, and I give links and proof that I am, people still accuse me of cheating off client as if I couldn't do it on client. Also does it matter that my account is vac banned? WHO GIVES A SHIT, I'm playing on YOUR VAC SECURED SERVER. In esea they don't use vac they use a BETTER anti cheat client. Like I said I'm only 14 and my cousin gave it to me when it was vacced.
auTIMatic Wrote:Clearly you haven't seen anyone outside of a pub. I don't even care anymore ban me if you want to, I just wanted to prove a point that YOU have not played with anyone outside of a PUB. It's amazing how even though I'm a pro player, and I give links and proof that I am, people still accuse me of cheating off client as if I couldn't do it on client. Also does it matter that my account is vac banned? WHO GIVES A SHIT, I'm playing on YOUR VAC SECURED SERVER. In esea they don't use vac they use a BETTER anti cheat client. Like I said I'm only 14 and my cousin gave it to me when it was vacced.

You're so wrong, I played it since 1.1 and I only came to US 4 years ago, I did play in clubs designed for css events, and awarded with real money events. It was just in Russia, and long time ago, but yea I played this game outside of pubs. I haven't even heard about this ESEA in Russia years ago, it's different world for us if you know what I mean. Nobody's gonna ban you just because we dislike you or feel like this, nothing personal. If you're legit and I am wrong(which may happen, I am human being) you don't have to worry about nothing.
auTIMatic Wrote:Clearly you haven't seen anyone outside of a pub. I don't even care anymore ban me if you want to, I just wanted to prove a point that YOU have not played with anyone outside of a PUB. It's amazing how even though I'm a pro player, and I give links and proof that I am, people still accuse me of cheating off client as if I couldn't do it on client. Also does it matter that my account is vac banned? WHO GIVES A SHIT, I'm playing on YOUR VAC SECURED SERVER. In esea they don't use vac they use a BETTER anti cheat client. Like I said I'm only 14 and my cousin gave it to me when it was vacced.
Assumptions are the mother of all ****-ups.

ESEA-I and 14? wow...

Who gives a shit if you're a pro player? It doesn't mean much. Proof doesn't mean anything either, people buy accounts all the time. Hell, a lot of cal-m and cal-i players cheated. Saying you're a "pro" player doesn't instantly mean you don't cheat, it could just mean you're really good at hiding it. It's not going to absolve you of any claims of hacking, and in reality it makes you look like a pretentious prick.

I'll review your demo later. Creds don't mean shit but oh well. AC admin for multiple IRC tournies and leagues, 6th man for a rando CPL team, multiple wins in smaller LANs, and overall earnings and winnings amount up to about 2grand.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
You've played in clubs? What?? I didn't know people called teams "clubs". I don't care how long you've been playing, the fact is you are guaranteeing everyone that I cheat, when you really don't have any's sad that when ever I join a pub I'm afraid to play smart, so I just run around and rely on aim. Once I was on cs_office, and I saw a shadow BEHIND A DOOR, and before I shot, I clearly pointed my crosshairs at the shadow and then I walled him, and then when I died, everyone called me a cheater. I just don't get why you guys can't accept the fact that there are people that are as good if not better then I am. If you did play since 1.1, that wouldn't even matter, because that's a completely different game, and the game has evolved so much since the orange box update.

Edit: Really? You're accusing me of BUYING my account? I'M PLAYING IN INVITE RIGHT NOW, and before invite all I had was open/main experience. Who cares about my age? Since I'm 14 does that mean I can't be good at a video game?

If I did buy my account which I didn't it wouldn't even have mattered because I'm still playing in invite as we speak..meaning I'm legitimately a professional player whether I bought my account or not, and I'm not pulling up some old shit from the cal days, I'm pulling up RECENT LINKS.

I don't get why you posted your experience, CPL? That was a long time ago, and like I said the game has evolved, not only because of the huge update that happened a year ago, but the players play differently now. When was the last time you played in a competitive league?
Reading comprehension fail.

I didn't accuse you of buying your account, I'm demonstrating to you how&why "experience" doesn't mean jack-shit. Credentials and background on the Internet are worth nearly nothing as they can easily be bought & traded, using them as an instant "I'm clean" record isn't going to work in most places.

I wouldn't call Source an evolution from 1.6...

Wasn't aware you could do ESEA at the age of 14. When I played, since CS was rated an M game, you had to be 17 years old or older.

Edit: See! Experience doesn't mean jack! Players and strats, and aiming has still remained relatively consistent over the years. I posted that so whatever result I see, you don't go around screaming "YOU'RE A NOOB THAT DOESN'T PLAY", or "YOU'RE AN IDIOT."

Played competitively in a league like a year or two ago. Having a real life doesn't make it easy for me to game consistently.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
I don't really care how pro you are or where did you play, If you don't know I will tell you how protest section works:

1) I accuse you of hacking and record demo, then Ban.
2) You sign up here and protest it with your STEAM ID and Name.
3) You get unbanned, admins review demo and re-ban you or leave you unbanned if I am wrong.

Nothing personal, I don't even know why you started all this ESEA stuff... BAN>PROTEST>REVIEW>VERDICT.
LOL well I was proving that I didn't buy my shit, so let me get this straight, experience doesn't count at all because of the people that have bought their accounts? Meaning the players that actually legitimately got their experience and currently are still playing in professional leagues doesn't matter/count at all? That sounds like a lot of bs, and have you played competitive recently? The game has changed, I've been playing competitive since I was 10...just how people play and how strats are ran are a lot different now...

Edit: and source is a lot different from 1.6, different physics different movement, different spray pattern, etc.
Can everyone please stop talking about how cool we all think we are, as this is a bunch of crap that does not need to be in this ban protest.

Stick to the facts of the case, as we do not need to know what you were or weren’t doing at 10 years old

Things that admins care about in ban protest threads :

- Your ingame name
- Your Steam ID
- What you were doing at the time of the ban
- (If you want to) Admit that you were hacking for a reduced sentence

Things admins don't give a damn about in ban protest threads :

- How old you are
- How "pro" you are
- What leagues you've played in
- How cool you are
- How the game has apparently changed (because we obviously don't know, it's not like we're admins all over the age of 20 that have been playing since 1.6)

You want the things in green, not the things in red. We actually don't care what leagues you played, who you're best mates with, what your game experience is. Since you've provided us with all the information, I suggest you stop posting, because you're making yourself look kinda silly....
If you read this, you suck.
Ok well this is a ban PROTEST, so I can't PROTEST my ban?

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