Poll: 1 AWP per user Show Results
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One AWP per user
When you
Dr. Ruplayer, post: 68017, member: 9168 Wrote:This was said too many times... I don't see how current system doesn't allow them to surround ONE AWPER per team, but it will allow them to surround 4-5 AWPERS PER TEAM with suggested system.
When you limit a popular gun to 1, there can only be one... So 5 people don't typically fight over it. Thered only one to pick up so theyll typically wait till next round.

But when there are 4-5 picking mid, more people who lost the Awp previously are going to waste time trying to get the Awp. There are more chances and they are unable to buy it again next round... Or they want someone to die so they don't waste their one buy.

It's only one of the many arguements against it, and not the most persuasive but still a legitimate concern.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
Oh sweet, five AWPs laying around! Uh wait no, 5-6 rnds doubt any awps would be available.

People that wanted to AWP, did. People that still want to AWP, can't unless they annoy/beg others for the weapon. People getting out of spwn would be slow. A kind sole trying to do an exchange, will be cockblocked by the other pubbers that want the awp. Furthering to benefit a rusher, who maybe can get lucky and kill people trying to swap weapons.

Pubbers logic isn't oh, an expensive weapon, pick it up. Otherwise, every time a para landed on the ground people would scramble to get it. I get my AWP back after dying on a winning next round because people didn't pickup the AWP. This is after watching most of them run past 1 if not Both on the ground.

The system isn't broken. This idea is to limit the impact that one person may do with an AWP.

Dr. Ruplayer, post: 67995, member: 9168 Wrote:Then instead of 1 awp laying somewhere at spawn or any other random spot on the map with 40 people, you will have 4-5 awps laying in different places, more chances to pick one for you, +some other teammates will be picking laying awp without wasting their 1 buy, so they can waste their one buy on later rounds.
1st, seldom does the AWP lands in a random place. They are quite loud when they fire and people snipe from a handful of spots.

2nd, if it is laying at spwn, 9 times out 10 the AWPer was trying to guard a flank.

3rd, the angst against AWPers camping/wasting is due to the fact they usually don't blindly run into enemy bullets spraying trying to mass the same direction every time. Camping is a legitimate playing style and is despised by ADHD players. That want to kill, kill, die, restart, kill, die, restart. People get upset when they rush a flank and someone is waiting there to prevent them from shooting people in the back. It all comes down to time management and tactics. If the enemy is always rushing thru here and killing me, I let them come into a choke point, and I can stop them and/or counter attack them. People get mad at the AWPer for not pushing blindly because the rush didn't work the last 5 times, but its gonna work the 6th time.

joker8baller, post: 67970, member: 835 Wrote:Riddle me this: A team is getting rolled by another team. The one good player buys the awp, and his team fails to back him up after he/she pushes up. Now that person no longer has an awp. In these situations, there is no teamwork, there are no pubbers who are willing to buy an awp to trade it away to someone. If you think that, you live in a fantasy. There are less than 10% of our player population who would do such a thing. Now, that player is unable to buy an awp, to get the quick picks they need. They have to hang back to get the awp, and by then the quick picks are gone, and the usage of the awp as a force multiplier is now gone.
This is the reality. Especially in pubs, even if someone is like "Hey joker do you want an AWP?" Mr.Tea will hear that and find the guy so he could have a chance to pick up the AWP that the person wanted to give to joker.

If your intentions are to allow everyone get their fair shot at the AWP, unrestrict it.

Or allow every player to override the 1 AWP per team restriction one time and have it revert to 1 per team. The latter would meet your "intentions" and not further impair this rule's agenda.
Mr.Tea, post: 68164, member: 1006 Wrote:Oh sweet, five AWPs laying around! Uh wait no, 5-6 rnds doubt any awps would be available.

If your intentions are to allow everyone get their fair shot at the AWP, unrestrict it.

Or allow every player to override the 1 AWP per team restriction one time and have it revert to 1 per team. The latter would meet your "intentions" and not further impair this rule's agenda.

This actually sounds like a win-win situation.

Imagine everyone who is in the game bought an awp, and died. No more awps for anyone. Unless you revert it to the 1 awp per team. This ensures that the rifle is not lost in the game.

Plus 1 to this.

Hope its not too tough a plugin for Bison to implement though.:confused:
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
It allows the babies to not cry about not having the AWP once and allows people to have a chance to get the AWP if they can afford it. 1 AwP Restriction would remain in effect the entire time.

Mr.Tea is only one to buy AWP - nothing would happen.
Mr. Tea and Joker would buy the AWP same round - They both lose their freebie
Mr. Tea and Joker try to buy the AWP again - 1st come 1st served
Mr. Tea and Joker try to buy the AWP again and then Spartacus tries - 1st come 1st served / Spartacus gets his Freebee
Dv Buys an AWP then Mr. Tea and Joker try to buy the AWP again and then - DV gets his Freebee/ 1st come 1st serve to the restricted AWP
Mr.Tea, post: 68169, member: 1006 Wrote:It allows the babies to not cry about not having the AWP once and allows people to have a chance to get the AWP if they can afford it. 1 AwP Restriction would remain in effect the entire time.

Mr.Tea is only one to buy AWP - nothing would happen.
Mr. Tea and Joker would buy the AWP same round - They both lose their freebie
Mr. Tea and Joker try to buy the AWP again - 1st come 1st served
Mr. Tea and Joker try to buy the AWP again and then Spartacus tries - 1st come 1st served y/ Spartacus gets his Freebee
Dv Buys and AWP then Mr. Tea and Joker try to buy the AWP again and then - DV gets his Freebee/ 1st come 1st serve to the restricted AWP

+ I believe Mr Tea and Joker can still pick up awps on the ground.

edit: lol, looking at the possible scenarios. the option of unrestricting awps in its totality makes things much easier. People who are good at it would use it. Those who suck and keep dying it would use another weapon. I'm going to lie down now.
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
No because than all the good players will be at the bottom of the standings every map.(note that doesnt mean me)
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
Tea, lets be realistic, all you're fighting for right now, is ability to get awp every round because you're smarter than others and can use bind, and because this is the only weapon you can get 2+ kills per death, and because you want to rebuy it every round after all your rushing team is destroyed and they get to you somewhere near your spawn. Remember using binds is advanced action in this game, 90% of people dont even know how to do this. When we started playing, we were rushing together, it was a great time till you became nerd awper.
[Image: jqmd52.png][Image: Craack.gif]
Riser, post: 67990, member: 992 Wrote:You can't compare SMGs to rifles. Rifles have 10x more recoil. If you're in motion and fire your rifle/awp your accuracy would be real bad. On the other hand, with SMGs you just run around and kill people.

"Professional", I hope you're referring to people that play leagues and earn from the game. The reason you see them getting 5 kills in a round with MP5s is because it was a save round of the opposite team. All you need is 2 hits to the head with an MP5. So there's no reason to get an AK/M4. In pubs, players don't really care. They'll buy whatever they can afford.
tl;dr you cant compare professionals to pubbers.


I think, more people who favor AWPs would stop playing on our servers if this were implemented. I'm still leaving my vote as no.

You missed the point I think, The post where i quoted stated "In the hands of a good player, any gun is deadly. In the hands of a newer player, the p90 & Autosniper are also just as deadly" I was agreeing with it in the sense that at the Streaming Pro CS players and events(twitch.tv). The pros are better with a mp5 then I(and prob 95% of average pub players) am with a AK. It was not meant to compare the MP5 and AK47 as identical guns that have the same use and recoil. I do agree with the bottom statement, I favor the awp and voted no. With the current settings I do not have allot of trouble getting one, And if I feel the need to play 3 hours of awping on office I just go to a unrestricted Awp server. No server is going to please everyone, but since our server do a pretty good job at holding a population I would say don't change it. Just make a second 24/7 office server with unrestricted awps and I bet in a short time both servers will maintain a high pop.
[Image: 4r721w.png]
[Image: 619806_101.png]
Dr. Ruplayer, post: 68187, member: 9168 Wrote:Tea, lets be realistic, all you're fighting for right now, is ability to get awp every round because you're smarter than others and can use bind, and because this is the only weapon you can get 2+ kills per death, and because you want to rebuy it every round after all your rushing team is destroyed and they get to you somewhere near your spawn. Remember using binds is advanced action in this game, 90% of people dont even know how to do this. When we started playing, we were rushing together, it was a great time till you became nerd awper.

Got the trueplayer out there. Knew why you were suggesting this. Thought this thread was about making it fair for everyone to have a chance to AWP?

My suggestion does exactly what you want without further restricting the AWP. My first posted called you out on your motivations about this rule and your post here validates it.

Pretty sure my DEAG kills are up there +2 too. Here I come out with a modification that wouldn't change/overbalance the AWP and give everyone the 1 chance they deserve(your platform) and possible chances later in the game on their own accord.

I'm pretty shitty with +7-10 KPD with an AWP. Shame on me to get good at the weapon I like using. Shame on me to be good with a pistol too. Want to know why? Because that is the weapon I always use. IF it is so easy and you can't manage a 1 KPD on it on any server? I don't have any problem using a M4 or AK47. When I decide to use 1 the whole map I am still in the top5 most of the time for Kills. The thing with statistics is, most of the time I get an AK or M4 is on a save round as I pick a weapon I just salvaged, have low health, and get killed quickly.

Been an AWPer for 7+ years. Try to find another person that has more percentage kills with an AWP than me? You might find one or two. No need to Hate, just trying to brainstorm on your idea to reach your "goal." Had a fair one, but you don't like rushing against good awpers.

The only reason for suggetion - so everyone can use awp, I just called the only reason for your bs talking here, don't troll me with your videos, another mind level here. I suggest whatever in the first post + unlimited awp for Tea personally, really don't wanna listen about poor awpers life anymore.
[Image: jqmd52.png][Image: Craack.gif]

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