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CSS Stats resetting over and over again...
Your SteamID is already changing for this to happen. But it would be good to confirm it, save your SteamID somewhere and see if it changes.
you know you can print screen the pictures rather than taking an actual photograph .
"People scream when I Scrim"
[Image: ghostcat-300x230.jpg]
Matt, post: 94620, member: 178 Wrote:Your SteamID is already changing for this to happen. But it would be good to confirm it, save your SteamID somewhere and see if it changes.

it is changing matt, I have a friend who got this problem and he has 10+ no steam accounts for the same net and computer.
Ghosty, post: 94621, member: 15215 Wrote:you know you can print screen the pictures rather than taking an actual photograph .

well at the moment i forgot about it and shot it with the phone to show it to a friend
and the real steamID i should have is the one of the first pic
this is it: http://wls.gameme.com/playerinfo/870262

and here: http://wls.gameme.com/search?q=SolidSnak...&x=28&y=10 all of european and lebanese players (minigames players mostly) are me. some sniper layers too
here's some info i got: http://rev-crew.info/threads/steamid-ran...ating.637/
commenting and uncommenting changed nothing
this is because of my isp 90%, but i tried with and isp using my old ip, the one that worked, and i got random ID's
opening whatismyipaddress.com , at everytime i refresh the page the last part of the ip changes. Definitely the isp. that's what gives me 500ms ping
servers should try to be patched with latest version of RevEmu http://rev-crew.info/threads/new-version...-2013.640/
w4rkr4f7, post: 94826, member: 1348 Wrote:servers should try to be patched with latest version of RevEmu http://rev-crew.info/threads/new-version...-2013.640/
you should ask that to bruss.org.ru, wL keeps everything updated.
Just Go With IT. √

 Why are you even looking here? scroll down if you can.
well just to say, i had tried everything including updating the game and reinstalling.... didn't work
but today i reverted back to optizone.ru (was on junkies client) and updated after deleting bin, steam and all executable files. joined minigames and it worked!!!!! i had 4431 points. played a bit, disconnected even close the game and connected again and i still had those points. at last Smile
Thanks for everyone's help here and on other forums aswell

http://wls.gameme.com/search?q=SolidSnak...264&y=-363 <<<----------- these are mostly me on minigames server Big Grin
Lets lock ze topic?
Just Go With IT. √

 Why are you even looking here? scroll down if you can.

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