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Night Watch Application [On Hold]

-Name in game: FUZE^ or fusz
-Steam id : STEAM_0:1:116671099
-Age : 18
-Steam Groups you're in(if any, no benefits) : -BzNz-
-Why Night Watch : I think Night Watch could be the best group. In other words FUCK HDK!
-About yourself[/code] : my name is kevin. i want to be in an active group! I hope u accept.
I like the "fuck HDK" Tongue but we'll see about your application. Good Luck. Make sure to add me on Friends list. Also, make sure to grab a mic if you do not have one.
Good luck on the app!
[Image: giphy.gif]
Please link your steam id to your forum account. Thank you.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Hello fuzical. Have you linked your Steam ID with your forums account?
KuYa: I have automatically added you on my buddy list.
Riser: fuck off
KuYa: lmfao
This app is gonna be placed on hold. If you're still interested in joining you can post a comment and I will reopen your evaluation but the applicant hasn't been on the forums since he joined the forums.
(Aug 27 2015, 05:12 PM)RJU Wrote: This app is gonna be placed on hold. If you're still interested in joining you can post a comment and I will reopen your evaluation but the applicant hasn't been on the forums since he joined the forums.

players should be active on the forums right?
[Image: 76561198212565403.png]
Sorry guys, My SteamID is STEAM_0:1:116671099
Dodgy Fusz Dodgy
And I do have a mic.
Dodgy Fusz Dodgy
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