Really?? i mean...reallllllyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! know uninstalling css...just give me a permanent ban.....i think i deserve it for what i did......eventhough the previous ban has expired....i still deserve it...because i did not buy the original game to redeem my fault....yes...i think i understand why admins seem to ignore my ban for sooo long....nice!!!!!! u did a f*c*ing great JOB!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!!! best SERVICE I'VE EVER GOT IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!!!!!! MAY GOD BLESS WARLODS!!!......( i mean that...) no teasing....

LEASE lock this thread....IT's Pointless.....once again...billion thank to mr bison and all other root admins...have a great day!!
i swear to god that i will suicide if any admins reply beyond this point....hahaha.....before this when i was being very nice...basically it's ignoring......soooo...let's see..