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An issue I have with certain players on the pugs
I have noticed on multiple occasions now that players like Vivix, DJ, Skript, Shake, Ninjy, use a private Teamspeak.

When on opposing teams, they will still be using the same TS channel.

There are numerous occasions where I will hear one of the above mentioned players, namely Vivix and Dj, I guess they use speakers and not headphones, when they use in-game voice communication, I will hear opponents on the other team making calls.

What this means is that people on opposing teams are hearing the calls for plays and strats for the team they are playing against.

The one instance that has stuck with me the most was on Tuscan, where thr0wn was a T camping spawn-ish, and Vivix, on the CT team, is making a call, and audibly over his microphone is Skript, who is on the T team, calling out "ladder" to Vivix for that information to be relayed.

What is really insulting is that as of last night, this what-should-be-forbidden communication was made blatantly obvious. On Lost Temple, I was on the CT team, and before the round started I bragged over the mic that I would get a 5k.

I instantly died that round without killing anyone and right after that happened, Vivix, who was on the opposing team and therefore obviously unable to hear my in-game mic, he wrote in chat right after I died, "5k?" It's ridiculous that what is expected to be private information (i.e. teammates talking to each other) is blatantly not private information when someone on my team (DJ?) over Teamspeak told the opposing team I'm guessing something along the lines of "Jesse thinks he's going to 5k it this round," so when I immediately died, I was made fun of for something I really had no intention of even accomplishing.

And yes, I can upload the YouTube videos of this if admins and interested readers are too lazy to open up the demos themselves.

Lost Temple:

There are many more examples that I have. Nuke, Dust 2, another one on Nuke, I have a feeling this will be denied and denied until I upload the explicit clips of these occurrences.

The people that are guilty of doing this bullshit should at least fess up to doing so. It will only make you look like you have a shittier character than you already do by denying that this happens on a regular basis and then for me to have to upload all the fucking incidents of this shit happening. I write shittier because people that do this are already shitty people for ghosting.

And keep in mind that DigiDon was banned for ghosting that I was able to identify and put together the pieces.

So all of you ghosting fucks are next. That is if the top dog admins take action on these matters.

If you're innocent you should have nothing to worry about.

TBH it is really hard to enjoy playing pugs when on the same pug server as the above mentioned players because there is always the feeling that communication across teams is happening like every single round.
As your leader i will not force you to give up relationships and play cs instead, that's on you. if i gotta push you to play the game u want to make a living out of, then this shit aint for you.
LMAO this is one of the most outrages/ funniest/ retarted things i have ever seen,

we do use a private teamspeak but we have never ghost for eachother. I remember u bringing this up in the server the other day because u heard me making a call through vivix headset.i did make a call but because i died to that person and since you are so ignorant you did not want to listen.

Didn't u want admin for the WL servers? that would the worst mistake ever you are a trigger happy kid who is really ignorant when he thinks he is right. You been haveing a hard-on for vivix lately where you bitch about anything he does and trying to make him lose his admin.

Another thing, Vivix is admin Sosa is an admin as well, you think they would want to be ghosted on? why would we ghost infront of an admin? one who isnt scared to ban someone who needs to be banned or kicked. Anyways its my word against yours and its pretty retarted that you are trying to get us banned for litteraly no reason. LOL and seeing how much you typed shows me how much of a life you really have.

"that should be forbidden" why should it, and if you are using the 5k incident as evidence it doesn't say he is ghosting lol, and its funny how you are acting so innocent as you are a victim of him making fun of u when you have one of the biggest mouths in this community. You always talk shit toeveryone you forgot to mention that
Jesse, being in a teamspeak or a ventrilo server with other people is not against the rules. WarLords also hosts TeamSpeak servers that all players are free to use, the information is on the front page.
I also use the same ventrilo with the people that you have named in here, along with countless others that you haven't. I can assure you that no ghosting goes on. I myself am very much against ghosting, and can also speak for a few of the people that you have named, because there have been incidents before of people trying to ghost, and they are no longer welcome in the server that we use. All the people that use that server are highly competitive, so it doesn't make sense to ghost. I would be happy to give you info to the vent server so you can come in and see for yourself.
Thx for the reassurance Sosa. What you wrote makes sense
As your leader i will not force you to give up relationships and play cs instead, that's on you. if i gotta push you to play the game u want to make a living out of, then this shit aint for you.
If this ever becomes a problem, wL should just implement something that fades your screen to black when you die if you're using a 3rd party voice program.
Or wL should just advocate its players using the wL Ts channel instead of a secret one.
As your leader i will not force you to give up relationships and play cs instead, that's on you. if i gotta push you to play the game u want to make a living out of, then this shit aint for you.
Skript I didn't know shit talking wasn't allowed.
As your leader i will not force you to give up relationships and play cs instead, that's on you. if i gotta push you to play the game u want to make a living out of, then this shit aint for you.
There's no way of enforcing which TS server a player joins.

He already said he's willing to give you access to his TS, join whenever you're doubtful.

If you're reporting a player do it in the right section.
so what do u want the admins to do? ddos worldwide ts servers? pro
mirin u mad one jesse watters so mad

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