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Resolved  ban appeal number 2
my whole team was trolling but deadie, we pretty much had 2 people that have never played before and were just trolling so me and my friend decided to join, deadie had me ignored then unignored me and muted me (he unmuted me after a round), he then muted me and ignored me again, he wouldnt unmute me and he wasnt paying attention to my friend asking him to unmute me so i team flashed him to get his attention. (he warned me but i couldnt see it, if he was a good admin he wouldve used admin chat to warn me)

it was a 30 minute ban but then i added him and after a chat he made it 5 days, he said he warned but i couldnt see it because he has me ignored, and because of that i called him autistic.

yes i was trolling, but i wasnt the only one doing it and im the only one that got a punishment

edit: i called him autistic in steam chat and after that he extended my ban, thats like saying if i called him autistic in a bhop server hed ban me in war lords

edit 2: i wasnt the only person impersonating an admin (in warmup round) and it was a joke
I ignored you maybe 1-2 weeks ago.
I unignored you when we were in warmup, then when we were in the match you kept screaming, you were even giving callouts with your mouthful of fuck knows, while screaming.
I warned you, yet you still carried on, then i muted you, keep in mind i still had you unignored. I unmuted you again and yet you carried on to scream. I was paying attention to your "friend", i said no to you wanting to be unmuted since i already gave you warnings. I then carried on to play, but i heard your voice still... even after i ignored you again then you teamflashed me couple rounds later.
on the steam chat you admitted to glitching the ignore system and also admitted that you were wrong of teamflashing me to get my attention.
Also, i extended the ban because you were acting like an admin when there was a new player that had joined, demo link will be down below.
A smart way to get unbanned was to just apologise or explain yourself in a mature way, clearly you thought that calling me an "autist" would be the way to get unbanned. And no, if we were to be on a "bhop server" i wouldn't extend the ban if you called me an autist, that server has nothing to do with warlords, you added me on steam to chat about your ban which has SOMETHING to do with warlords, you used offensive language to an admin...
"i wasnt the only person impersonating an admin (in warmup round)"
you just admitted right there you were, great way to get unbanned. thanks now i can save more time to not get the demo etc.
You are joking about the rules on warlords.
I extended your 30 minute ban due to all of these reasons.
teamflashing, micspam, Offensive language, Trolling, Glitching, Acting like an admin
Not just because you were trolling.
It could have easily been a 30 minute ban and thats it, but you had to open that mouth of fuck knows whats inside, and deny your actions.

[Image: 2lu7534.jpg]
i wasnt the only person "pretending" to be an admin

you didnt warm me, you muted me, ignored me, i did the "glitch" so i could ask you to unmute but then you ignored me again.

could you tell me the offensive language i used? can i not say "fuck" in the pug server?

edit: i was eating pizza

edit2: it was a joke, "pretending" to be an admin, because a person was like "ya hes cheating" and i was like "yeah we are admins, the anti cheat will detect u and ban you!"
why does he have to warn u as many times as u wish? here are the rules
make sure u read them before playing
(Sep 05 2016, 06:05 PM)Slade. Wrote: why does he have to warn u as many times as u wish? here are the rules
make sure u read them before playing

i couldnt see his warnings because he had me ignored
(Sep 05 2016, 05:57 PM)sinful Wrote: i wasnt the only person "pretending" to be an admin

you didnt warm me, you muted me, ignored me, i did the "glitch" so i could ask you to unmute but then you ignored me again.

could you tell me the offensive language i used? can i not say "fuck" in the pug server?

edit: i was eating pizza

Your quoting "glitch" huh
You know well you said it, here is the screenshot.
And i almost forgot, you were behind toxic too, if i can remember correctly, "get the fuck outta my way" 
You used offensive language in the steam chat, i was trying to be mature with you and you couldn't be mature since your a troll behind your monitor, denying all your actions.
As i said before, you said you were wrong to do this glitch your talking about, so you teamflashed me, which is against the rules, i issued a simple 30 minute ban for all of this, impersonating an admin to teamflashing me, if you were to be mature on the steam chat, i would have even unbanned you, you didn't show any maturity nor respect. 
You carried on to be toxic on the steam chat therefore i gave you the appropriate ban for all of these actions. 

You were trolling the new player, by making up random rules not just saying "yeah we are admins, the anti cheat will detect u and ban you!"
All i can suggest now is wait out the ban, stop being toxic in pugs and stop griefing, next time you want to play with a friend and be loud, go on teamspeak or some other voice chat software, you can still give callouts in game to teammates, If you hadn't been so annoying this would have never had happened.

Just saw your reply to slade,
I warned you many times before i ignored you again, if you hadn't done this glitch then i wouldn't have been bothered by your loudness.
As i said in the steam chat too, you could have simply added me before deciding to teamflash me, thats not going to get anyones attention, that will just get you banned. Your a brainless idiot to not realise imo.

Edit- Making up rules and telling the new player you were an admin is just giving a bad rep to warlords, warlords does not give idiots like you admin.
[Image: 2lu7534.jpg]
lmfao, im not denying my actions, iwas trolling, iw asnt being mean on purpose you dumbo, thats the whole point of trolling. also ive seen multiple peopel do the "glitch" and ive never seen them get a punishment?

also you didnt fucking warn me when u have me unignored, i think i would know, and u cant see in the demo because you cant see it from my point of view, you didnt warn me at all, when u had me unignored, just a mute

edit: i didnt make up new rules from what i can remember, also why wasnt anyone else punished? its obvious you just dont like me if you have me ignored for most the pugs we play together.
why didnt you warn me in admin chat if you were going to warn me?

edit: you even admitted to ignoring me and having me ignored at some points, so why not warn in admin chat?
You are the first person i have seen to do this so called glitch, i do hate you as a person but if someone was to do the exact same things you did, their ban would not be any different. You don't have to worry if i hate you or not, just follow the rules and nothing will go wrong, simple as. I warned you when i had you unignored, you didn't listen so i muted and ignored you, im not going through all of this muting you and ignoring you bullshit again, if you read my previous replies you would understand. Your not getting unbanned for being a complete idiot on this forum, you are not being mature or trying to co operate. Plus, you already messed up your chance on the steam chat.
I did admit i ignored you, this was some time ago because i realised another idiot just joined warlords.
I unignored that day to see incase i misjudged you the day you joined, i was clearly wrong.
Your also not getting the point, If an admin muted you, its for a good reason, you dont go throwing flashbangs and grief you idiot.
" iw asnt being mean on purpose you dumbo"
Wait your ban out.
[Image: 2lu7534.jpg]
i was told how to do the "glitch" by multiple people

why should i wait my ban out? my whole team was trolling, and im the only person to get banned, also its steam chat, youre just mad because i called you autistic, clearly triggered

>calls you autistic

>ban gets extended to 5 days, then 14 days

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