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The high head shot percentage is really fishy tho .Maybe some kind of aim assistance.

hayler BANGIN- 36.825 %
Comparing this is to other Top WL Players

BEN:- 16.809 %
SHIKAKA:- 16.005 %
NETEX:- 14.731 %
JUNIORC4:- 22.636 %
(Jan 24 2018, 03:13 AM)Crusader2806 Wrote: The high head shot percentage is really fishy tho .Maybe some kind of aim assistance.

hayler BANGIN- 36.825 %
Comparing this is to other Top WL Players

BEN:- 16.809 %
SHIKAKA:- 16.005 %
NETEX:- 14.731 %
JUNIORC4:- 22.636 %
I'd really like this to end. Review my demos, this is tiresome and I'd like to play in peace and enjoy the servers you provide.

I cannot defend a statistic like that but if you watch my playstyle I am deliberately tapping and bursting where others may rather spray or choose to awp rather than rifle.

Furthering this, I play global offensive and not css the majority of the time; I am confined to this playstyle until I learn the spray patterns (or lack thereof). If you watch my most recent games I'm starting to grasp the basics of spraying after two days of pugging so my headshot ratio should naturally lower as I feel more comfortable in my spray
not knowing spray patterns doesn't explain a 42% HS rate. If your aim was this naturally sharp after playing the game for <60 hrs, you should legitimately be a pro gamer and not stuck in nova 3 after 2500 hours of playing csgo as your steam screenshots indicate you are. Like it just doesn't add up at all. There are people who have been playing this game for years and have played at relatively high levels and here you are absolutely shit-stomping their stats after playing for a week
(Jan 24 2018, 04:01 AM)Stevenson Wrote: not knowing spray patterns doesn't explain a 42% HS rate. If your aim was this naturally sharp after playing the game for <60 hrs, you should legitimately be a pro gamer and not stuck in nova 3 after 2500 hours of playing csgo as your steam screenshots indicate you are. Like it just doesn't add up at all

I don't actually play matchmaking much at all given how boring it is. I'm currently mg2 and a former contracted player for an organization; a simple google will show you my esea account and statistics which would be far more reliable (though I awp more in csgo.)

This game comes naturally as it aims smoother than csgo for me so rifling is a natural extension. Also, a 42% headshot ratio is NOTHING. You also seen to ignore my past LE screenshots from early 2017, do not nitpick my screenshots. I aim train at a lower frame rate in csgo than the normal 200 I clock in css, microadjustments are easier and flicks are simply more consistent. 

If you watch me play I demonstrate the peeking and crosshair placement of an experienced player, my preaims, for the maps that I do know, are mostly on point and allow for simple tapping. Not knowing spray patterns means I must have full confidence in my muscle memory and I must adjust my aiming style for how I have to play and will therefore inflate my headshot ratio if I an deliberately going for those shots.

I think this was a sloppy rebuttal on your half.
Your entire argument is "I'm just an experienced player, nothing I'm doing is extraordinary or terribly impressive" when your aim-based stats are literally 15-20% better than the absolute top players here who have put thousands of hours into this game and are accomplished in leagues. If you're legit, you're seriously an FPS prodigy and I'm not kidding.

to call my rebuttal "sloppy" when half your argument is based on accolades which I highly doubt you can even prove is laughable. Please post your ESEA because if you posted stats even half as good as here in a reasonable sample size of ESEA pugs I would be more inclined to believe you're legit, but I highly doubt you have

"I'm currently mg2 and a former contracted player for an organization"

by all means, if you're somebody of note, prove it. A simple google search and legit-ID scan would indicate you're not.
(Jan 24 2018, 04:22 AM)Stevenson Wrote: Your entire argument is "I'm just an experienced player, nothing I'm doing is extraordinary or terribly impressive" when your aim-based stats are literally 15-20% better than the absolute top players here who have put thousands of hours into this game and are accomplished in leagues. If you're legit, you're seriously an FPS prodigy and I'm not kidding.

to call my rebuttal "sloppy" when half your argument is on accolades which I highly doubt you can even prove is laughable. Please post your ESEA because if you posted stats even half as good as you do here in a reasonable sample size of ESEA pugs I would be more inclined to believe you're legit, but I highly doubt you have
Css lacks the skill ceiling that csgo possesses so I can understand the lacking from players on some random pug servers. My stats on esea pale in comparison to this server so I'm sure I'll eat your ignorance here. My argument and accolades are provable if you want to dm the org in my steam profile, I'm not going to take that time out of my day for some random rager on a pug service.
I have put thousands of hours into csgo which had better aim training and a general higher level of skill than this game. I wouldn't call this unnatural or unexpected from a player around my skill level in global offensive to drop these stats against a bunch of kids who aim at the floor and repeek dumb angles constantly and incessantly on these servers.
Before you flail me with insults I would like you to acknowledge that this game is simply easier than csgo to move around and play in, and I am sure many players who play both css and csgo will share my opinion.

(also I bombed out two pugs and lost my 13 rws which is a straight fuckin bummer.)
A. I'm not insulting you. In fact, I'm not even saying it's for certain that you cheat
B. For the nth time, the differences between csgo and css are not so vast that they explain you being mediocre in csgo after 2500 hours and having off the chart individual stats after 50 hours in css
C. Wow I can't believe your stats would drop while you're being investigated for cheats -_-\
D. Why wouldn't you want to prove that that your claims are true when you're the one on the hotseat? It would put a lot of this to rest if I saw a fragmove from a legitimate org of you running around flicking onto heads, even if it were in a different game
E. lmao at you getting defensive about your ESEA stats when you were the one telling me to check your ESEA
(Jan 24 2018, 04:36 AM)Stevenson Wrote: A. I'm not insulting you. In fact, I'm not even saying it's for certain that you cheat
B. For the nth time, the differences between csgo and css are not so vast that they explain you being mediocre in csgo after 2500 hours and having off the chart individual stats after 50 hours in css
C. Wow I can't believe your stats would drop while you're being investigated for cheats -_-
B: the differences make this game easier to play for example, movement is huge in csgo and a simple mistake can get you punished where as in this game movement mistakes are harder to make given how easy it is, and no one on here is actually good enough to punish you for it
C: my stats in ESEA dropped not on here

To put it simply, my stats only look good because there is no skill balance. I am a mediocre player at best facing garbage players where I can easily hit the no brain shots to make myself look good. If this community was bigger and the skill ceiling was higher with a way to balance individual player skills in pugs, I believe my stats on here would mirror my esea stats.
"(also I bombed out two pugs and lost my 13 rws which is a straight fuckin bummer.)"
And again yes CSS and CSGO have differences, but running around flicking onto everyones head should be a quality at least somewhat transferable across all shooters

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