Jul 04 2011, 11:49 PM
naive Wrote:Sometimes i minimize csand talk to people and check every 30s to see if the round is over or not. The afk manager makes this like impossible because it takes a few seconds to switch back and forth and if i cant miss the first 15 seconds even because im typing to someone. It sucks coming into a new round and already in spectator despite being sitting there waiting to be alive again. I think it should be like if you don't move for a whole round it switches you. 15 seconds seems to just throw too many false flags. I couldn't decide what weapon to buy one time and got sent to spectator.
I have a couple of solutions to your problems :
1) Not being a dick or anything, but maybe switch off the other stuff? Do you really need to be talking to people whilst playing an online game? I dunno, I don't have other chat stuff running whilst I am playing CS:S, because I think it deserves my full concentration.
2) Use that time that you're dead to decide what weapons you are going to buy on the next round? Or set up the bind keys to be absolute (like I have one for deagle/armour/HE nade, and then the other 3 are set to have a different primary weapon, like AK/M4, Scout and Awp/Shotgun).
3) Leaving it an entire round would suck, quite frankly. One team mate can make all the difference, especially if that person has the bomb. I would wait 15 seconds for the AFK person to move and for the bomb to drop. As I said previously, you would most likely be dead before the round is over, depending on what team you are on and how easy it is to rush.
I dunno, it seems your problems can be easily solved by using the time that you are dead to make decisions for the next round, rather than using it to Alt Tab out and chat to your friends. It seems like a completely selfish reason to change the system just for the benefit of your social networking.
Just my 2 cents though.
If you read this, you suck.