GLK Wrote:First of all I did not do anything wrong all I did was respond to a post STATING a fact saying that your not amazing and better than ANYONE because your ESEA Main as Viper Thinks... You did not have to get butt hurt about it and go off on me like a 5 year old.... And the fact that you make a new thread with my name saying bring it shows me how immature you are. So King Viper go suck on ur bottle and stfu
And Chun you need to shut your fucking mouth already I am tired of you.. This was between me and Viper you did not need to comment here.. and rice WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?
GLK, I think you have lost the respect of many people in this community already, but I am willing to make compromises to respect people like you in this community. I will say however, that the post that you commented on was not necessarily the right place for you to bring about your simple minded gibberish about being ESEA Main, but I will respect the fact that you are a good player in the community. With that being said I don't respect you as an individual because you can't seem to know when to draw the line on "just kidding" or "your a fat ugly f***ing faggot" but I will respect the fact that you at least tried to defend yourself, albeit very poorly.
Also, isn't it a bit hypocritical of you to come onto this post and start attacking other people for voicing their opinion about your narcissism? I mean, I didn't say in the post "GLK bring it, but no one else" nor did I say in my post "this is between GLK and me." Honestly GLK, I would prefer if you would simply stay off of any and all threads I post in the future because people dont want to waste energy reading your garbage. GLK, I would be honestly surprised had I titled this thread any differently that you would have responded. It takes an inmature title to bring an inmature person in. Also GLK, someone needed to put you in your place. I guarantee that you are a spoiled brat and that you simply were given everything, no one ever put their foot down your throat for taking your shit. I come in-game and you start giving me shit for calling a server a 'Pug' instead of a 'Pub'. I'm sorry for you getting all worked up over one little letter change that actually has a reason to come out of my mouth. You see, I was a raider in World of Warcraft, which when we picked up players, we called it a 'pug'. Seeing the similarities in the the server itself and the aforementioned 'pug' I was prompted to say 'pug'. Now, instead of you simply saying, "It's called a 'pub' not a 'pug'." You said "It's a pub dumbass." So let this be a reminder to you that when you fuck with someone, you better have the weapons to stand in the ring and take the hits like a man. So far, your petty argument has done nothing but bring you down even further. That's all that I would like to waste on this nonsense.
If anyone would like to add anything to this, ahem, "argument", positive or negative against either one of us, feel free. I am ending this professionally because one of us needs to be the bigger man so I suppose it is my duty to do said duty.
ruplayer Wrote:I don't care about your skills, I'm just saying next time when you ask me to leave the server because for some reason you hate me, you may end up with a one day ban.
i'm sorry ruplayer, if you have a problem with ricenchicken I would prefer that you would move it to another flamez topic because what you two went on about did not even pertain to the topic at hand, nothing personal as I do like both of you guys, but please, this topic isnt the place