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Clan Angry Animals
plz help me to join me in ur clan?
shhh whisssperrr like thissss.... scroll up and read joker8ball's post
Umm wow okay errr, u guys have some pretty low standards for admitting players k, im being bluntly honest with this.
I was on the popular maps 2 last night, i got switched by the team-balance and the first thing i hear getting spammed on the mic on the team i got switched to, was a guy named Panda with the angryanimals clan tag, spamming "ching chong "etc etc etc into his mic, I catch him doing it again, imma demo him and give it to your clan's executives okay. I don't appreciate it okay, i criticized him on it, and he said "im the clans leader dumbass" and i know he's not i told him very calmly over my own mic, that i don't appreciate his racism, and he just kept it up. I catch him again, im going to demo him, and if this is the kind of player that angryanimals lets be its member, well, than my above statement if pretty justified. Huh well, after reading the above posts, i understand why panda is a member, (bad recruiting) not trying to deface your clan ppl, just i mean, if u are gonna clean house with your players, than by all means get to it i dont think you want a guy like i described as your member.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
Lieutenant Josh, post: 78180, member: 946 Wrote:Umm wow okay errr, u guys have some pretty low standards for admitting players k, im being bluntly honest with this.
I was on the popular maps 2 last night, i got switched by the team-balance and the first thing i hear getting spammed on the mic on the team i got switched to, was a guy named Panda with the angryanimals clan tag, spamming "ching chong "etc etc etc into his mic, I catch him doing it again, imma demo him and give it to your clan's executives okay. I don't appreciate it okay, i criticized him on it, and he said "im the clans leader dumbass" and i know he's not i told him very calmly over my own mic, that i don't appreciate his racism, and he just kept it up. I catch him again, im going to demo him, and if this is the kind of player that angryanimals lets be its member, well, than my above statement if pretty justified. Huh well, after reading the above posts, i understand why panda is a member, (bad recruiting) not trying to deface your clan ppl, just i mean, if u are gonna clean house with your players, than by all means get to it i dont think you want a guy like i described as your member.

Yeah, he is indeed the leader. I don't know why panda would spam mic maybe because he was so high that day.
[Image: 1qs5g7.png]
well, i still don't care. As i told him," bad people is bad people, you sir are a bad person" If he is indeed the leader, what does that say(with exception to Loks, who i've known a long time) about the AA clan than? You can be high and not a racist can't you? You can also be uneducated, and not a racist right? So why do fucking people think racism is either A funny?? or B Okay to do anywhere?
If i ever do it, and i have the balls to tell it to ppl like my no speaky-englishy chinese teachers to their faces, i'd be and have been a total racist on purpose and very seriously with the very educated knowledge of why im doing it. Why i did it, BECAUSE HOW CAN U TEACH IN AN AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AND NOT SPEAK FUCKING ENGLISH!!! EVEN A LITTLE !!!

Sorry, i hated my Chinese language teachers for the past 4 years im finally very grateful to have a good one this year, To me personally, thats the only time im racist and the only other time i see it right. Doing it randomly at someone you've never even met face to face, and never even so much as played alongside with(in reference to CS) is totally wrong, especially when people realize their talking to a white boy with an Asian dad whose American!!! Now if you know a guy's a prick, like you've personally met him face to face, and he's a total prick, and you just happen to know some racist statements, and you want to verbally embarrass the guy, than by all means, i'd condone it, be prepared to fight afterwards is all.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
Panda's a leader, he jokes around with the Asians a lot, mainly because he is Asian (Chinese to be specific), and he generally likes to have a good time. It's pretty hard to say you joined a team and all you heard was spamming, especially when you just joined that team and missed any of the past conversations that may have occurred.

We recruit who we like, and Panda recruits who he likes. AngryAnimals has been one of the few long standing clans around (Seen the rise and fall of most if not all of the War-Lords based clans. Your opinion really doesn't matter to us since you're not apart of us. You're also a known troll, and your grammar & spelling is atrocious.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
I understand, though being of that culture doesn't give you the right to discriminate. Iv'e always seen racism as for either when you're being serious, or not saying it period, never as a joke.
That last sentence was unnecessary joker u basically just turned an objective post of me trying to point out something one of your members did, into a pissing contest k.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
Then you need to understand the cultural implications of racism, people can and do joke about it.

Not really. You were complaining about one of the members and had no evidence to prove it, except for your word. Seeing that you don't know what was said before you joined the team, doesn't give a lot of weight to the situation, and with your history (which is long & noted), your word isn't exactly full trusted among the admins on the server.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
panda is a bawss, you'll never get on his level of trolling josh. Also, way to be a hypocrite, complaining about someone trolling you hard when that's all you attempt to do on a daily basis in our servers

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