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Resolved  Banned from all servers
Firstly, you evaded your ban. It wasn't resolved in any way. If it had been resolved, then you would have been unbanned.

Second, I just caught you hacking again.

Enjoy your permanent ban.
If you read this, you suck.
What are you talking about, I'm not hacking bro. I was afk, I was on spectate and when I came back from my computer I was banned, I dont know what your fucking problem is.
You complain of a "headache", and call in sick.
-He gets shot at, as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.
Watch the demo. It's from just before you went spec. You'll see that you're still making use of a wallhack (prefired a guy on stairs in B tunnels, lined up some dudes in lower B tuns, looked through crate at mid DD), and obviously you're using a no-recoil hack, as your aim jumps up and down inhumanly, but you still land several headshots.
If you read this, you suck.
Bro, you are crazy, I just watched the whole video, I don't see anything that you are referring to. I have been playing CS:S since 2005, I know the maps very very well, I didn't shoot through a box ever in that whole video (so that is false), I was using my p90, I spray and it works that's all I know. Your extremely wrong and I want to speak with someone above you, your on a power trip and I feel as if your targeting me, I honestly don't think you deserve to be an admin. I wasn't hacking. You just saw my post about me getting CS:S steam and decided to come harass me. Who can I speak with that is higher than you that I can formally complain to about you? because your acting quite obtuse and I really don't appreciate it, I have been playing the servers since 2am, last night and nobody banned me or said anything, but once I post something about getting CS:S on Steam or "evading" as you so called it, I get banned. Do you really have no life? Who can I speak with in steam that can actually do something about this? I'm guessing you wont respond so I'll be looking through the member list until I find who I am looking for. Thanks.

You complain of a "headache", and call in sick.
-He gets shot at, as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.
If you feel that I have abused you in any way, you can make a thread here and there will be deliberation as to whether your claims are well founded

I never said that you fired through the boxes, I said you looked through the crate at DD. The reason I think this is because as soon as the T moved out of your sight, you ran into lower B tunnels and prefired on another T on the staircase.

True, you could claim that that's how you usually play with a P90. The fact is, when you were firing off other guns, the jerky, inhuman movement was present. The only other time I have seen people firing like that is when they are using no/anti-recoil hacks.
If you read this, you suck.
Well your wrong, thanks for the link, Bye.
You complain of a "headache", and call in sick.
-He gets shot at, as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.
Not a problem, I am here to help people Smile

I can also ask other admins to review this demo for you, if you feel like I am just picking on you (although I am not, I remain unbiased).
If you read this, you suck.
He's definitely using some sort of anti-recoil hack.
Steam Wrote: 4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: was out
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: bison, dude
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: ???
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: you're very rude towards alina
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: how about unbanning her friend?
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: I mean
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: it's only gamebanana skins
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: ^^
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOLOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: lol
M. Bison Wrote:He's definitely using some sort of anti-recoil hack.

I'm guessing it's one where you can set the parameters of how much it compensates for recoil. Obviously this one is pretty fail, since the compensation is huge, and not smooth at all. Still, he's hacking Smile

Is this topic closed now, Bison?
If you read this, you suck.
now it is Wink
Steam Wrote: 4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: was out
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: bison, dude
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: ???
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: you're very rude towards alina
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: how about unbanning her friend?
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: I mean
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: it's only gamebanana skins
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: ^^
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOLOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: lol

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