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Everything about this thread makes me laugh.
Fuck You Wrote:
Fuck You Wrote:
DRUNK_KILLER Wrote:Fuck you in the clan thread( what did we do to u? stop hating..

JayCat Wrote:Looks to me like you're a hater.  :-\
deff is..
You live, and that is enough for me. I hate where I want and I do it with glee. There is nothing more I can offer you than this explanation. To hate will be my dedication. I despise people with a deep pleasure. To make them mad is now my treasure. Admins will hate me and players alike. Trust me, I will begin to act like a complete dike. I hope you enjoy my diction. Because eventually this entire fiasco will turn into fiction.
u should stop being a 12 years teen and become an adult.. :Smile

Please do fix your diction before you comment on mine. I speak only to people with the ability to speak a proper English line. If a grammar troll is what you ill call me next. I will explain briefly to you through this text. I am an ass that comes in many a form. And in all honesty it makes me feel warm. 12 years old? That is bold. I like the insult but not the presentation. May I make a small declination? I think you are rude good bye and good day. I hate you and you're dumb what more is there to say?
first of all this server is INTERNATIONAL, so i dont have to know the perfect English, and i know wat ur trying to do.. to make me angry and be rude with u, but guess wat? I WONT DO THIS. u know wat?  bcuz i know to control myself but i dont; an example the u dont is this thread and the thread u made obout my clan.. have a great day sir.
[Image: 1UH9a8H.png]

[Image: 5pfuEDP.gif]
nah i don't think ur an a** ur just upset  :-\ just try to go out and have fun...
and u know i was joking when i used to say "james u suck <3" right?
cuz u were owning me but i took it as fun not by hate...
anyways in my opinion ur still the james i play with no matter wat u say. 
and im sry bout ur app  :-\
¨°º¤ø„¸TRON¸„ø¤º°¨ Wrote:nah i don't think ur an a** ur just upset  :-\ just try to go out and have fun...
and u know i was joking when i used to say "james u suck <3" right?
cuz u were owning me but i took it as fun not by hate...
anyways in my opinion ur still the james i play with no matter wat u say. 
and im sry bout ur app  :-\
[Image: bxj6gaq99c9hyvinfkvn.jpg]
[Image: w0l5y0.png]
¨°º¤ø„¸TRON¸„ø¤º°¨ Wrote:nah i don't think ur an a** ur just upset  :-\ just try to go out and have fun...
and u know i was joking when i used to say "james u suck <3" right?
cuz u were owning me but i took it as fun not by hate...
anyways in my opinion ur still the james i play with no matter wat u say. 
and im sry bout ur app  :-\
JAMES if u got some problems and want someone to open up with.. MAKE A THREAD or PM people.. bcuz i didnt get why u are doing this...
[Image: 1UH9a8H.png]

[Image: 5pfuEDP.gif]
Fuck You Wrote:I hate the kiddies who spam day and night on the servers.
I hate the shitties who can't fucking play a simple god damn game.
I hate the baddies who think they're tough shit because they can point and shoot.
I hate the fatties who camp day and night.
I hate the ragers who think I wall.
I hate the ones who bitch and moan when I kill them.
I hate the ones who try and make shit a competition.

The only players I have no problem with whatsoever with are rival and riser. Everyone else. Stop the raging. Stop the try hard. Stop the bitching and moaning and the camping. It gets old and pathetic. From now on I will be known as fuck you. I will be an ass when I want and I don't give two shits what you think cause quite frankly, it's the fucking internet. So QQ moar.
I agree with part of what you're saying James, it would be much better if everyone could just take a chill pill and not take the game so seriously and stop being so competitive. The thing is, sometimes we can't help it, because humans are innately competitive, yet we can still push it off and remind ourselves that it's just a game and that the point of it should just be to have fun with some friends. As to players camping, I agree when that's all they do that it's frustrating as hell, but a bit of camping (and waiting for the right moments to attack) can be strategically more effective than always rushing. Yes, those crazy ragers are ridiculous, but I think most of is get a little pissed off when something frustrating happens, although again, I think we should remind ourselves that it's a game. Also, Lots of people in the game are not very good because of their inexperience, they can't help it (and often they are usually the ones who accuse better players of hax). About you walling though, not that you do, but you must have pretty good reflexes or something, because sometimes playing with you can be a bit bs.

But by being rude to everyone, what does that accomplish? Are you not being as bad if not worse than those people who upset you? You might end up inciting someone to angrily rebel just as you have done. You can't take all of those people you mentioned too seriously, chill out, remember that you're trying to have fun (or if that's not the point to you, change your mindset). Reacting like this isn't going to help you in the long-term.
[Image: 2ntzjn7.png]
silly (no sound): you need to learn
Zero: i taught you
silly (no sound): how to be cool like me
Zero: you knifed me when i retired
silly (no sound): I have hopes for you
silly (no sound): to be my apprentice
silly (no sound): my prodigy
silly (no sound): to carry on my legacy
silly (no sound): good luck padawan
silly (no sound): may the force be with you
Zero: lol
Zero: why you make it sound that you are never coming back alive master?
Zero: Tongue
silly (no sound): I will
silly (no sound): when you're ready
silly (no sound): to show me what you've learnt
silly (no sound): when you're a jedi
Mawped Wrote:Everything about this thread makes me laugh.
lol yeah, its fun to watch
Assassin Wrote:
Mawped Wrote:Everything about this thread makes me laugh.
lol yeah, its fun to watch
not to participate..
[Image: 1UH9a8H.png]

[Image: 5pfuEDP.gif]
silly Wrote:
Fuck You Wrote:I hate the kiddies who spam day and night on the servers.
I hate the shitties who can't fucking play a simple god damn game.
I hate the baddies who think they're tough shit because they can point and shoot.
I hate the fatties who camp day and night.
I hate the ragers who think I wall.
I hate the ones who bitch and moan when I kill them.
I hate the ones who try and make shit a competition.

The only players I have no problem with whatsoever with are rival and riser. Everyone else. Stop the raging. Stop the try hard. Stop the bitching and moaning and the camping. It gets old and pathetic. From now on I will be known as fuck you. I will be an ass when I want and I don't give two shits what you think cause quite frankly, it's the fucking internet. So QQ moar.
I agree with part of what you're saying James, it would be much better if everyone could just take a chill pill and not take the game so seriously and stop being so competitive. The thing is, sometimes we can't help it, because humans are innately competitive, yet we can still push it off and remind ourselves that it's just a game and that the point of it should just be to have fun with some friends. As to players camping, I agree when that's all they do that it's frustrating as hell, but a bit of camping (and waiting for the right moments to attack) can be strategically more effective than always rushing. Yes, those crazy ragers are ridiculous, but I think most of is get a little pissed off when something frustrating happens, although again, I think we should remind ourselves that it's a game. Also, Lots of people in the game are not very good because of their inexperience, they can't help it (and often they are usually the ones who accuse better players of hax). About you walling though, not that you do, but you must have pretty good reflexes or something, because sometimes playing with you can be a bit bs.

But by being rude to everyone, what does that accomplish? Are you not being as bad if not worse than those people who upset you? You might end up inciting someone to angrily rebel just as you have done. You can't take all of those people you mentioned too seriously, chill out, remember that you're trying to have fun (or if that's not the point to you, change your mindset). Reacting like this isn't going to help you in the long-term.

Inciting actions is not my intent. But for retribution, I am hell bent. I cannot explain the stupidity that possess people but I may be able to portray it. With just a small amount of wit. Silly you raged me at one point in game. To be honest I was thinking of who next I should flame. You make a good argument for my act. The mystery of it you may have cracked. The ones who see through a facade. Can only understand what I have just made. For those of you cannot see the truth in my diction. Feel free to live in your world of fiction.
can you describe what you mean by raging ?

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