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Player Abuse.
I stopped reading after "What a dull lot you are", guess I don't have the intellect go go any further.

Well there Skippy, looks like you're done on the wL servers. Have a nice life.
[Image: scary-cat-100.jpg]
Some players asked me to connect to the server today because two users were arguing with each other using mic, I joined and warned both(Death and Josh). Yea Josh, "if you both don't stop I will be raining bans" - it was me. Both users stopped(I think Josh left). Got nothing else to add.

Life is not so bad bro, and this community is well organized, if you really wanted to get this player banned, you just needed to record him or ask to check his chat logs. Very simple. Now, others think you're troll, so I doubt they will take this form of report seriously. 
[Image: jqmd52.png][Image: Craack.gif]
I like this thread, I love funny essays.

"learn some basic english"  ;D

Thanks for the comic relief.

PS: I prefer Burger King instead of McDonald's though.
many players level up to retardoustrololos in 2012.
-[ex]Spy- Wrote:many players level up to retardoustrololos in 2012.
LOL i think its the game messing with their minds.
[Image: bxj6gaq99c9hyvinfkvn.jpg]
[Image: w0l5y0.png]
JayCat Wrote:I stopped reading after "What a dull lot you are", guess I don't have the intellect go go any further.

You were not the only one, if it was formatted to the proper English standard I would of read it, but it wasn't.
My attempt to understand.

General Josh Wrote:wELL  Ban Me, Cmon Ban me, ive done such wrong i know(saracastic)

My Analysis: Trying to get himself banned
General Josh Wrote:I come to play to enjoy myself, and everytime i play and Death is on he just has to say something rude, he just doesnt play amicably , he always comes on and just insults, this is why i tend to avoid playing in the daytime because i just know when i go on, hes gonna be there, and insult me, just look over the log records and youll see for server 4. heck,
My Analysis:  A person named death on server 4, trolls him nonstop. It ruins his gaming experience.

General Josh Wrote:id be happy if you banned both of us equally fo the same amount of time, so plz ban me, and then you know, when he keeps it up post ban, during which ill record him, and he can get a permaban, does that sound fair admins,
My analysis: He thinks they have both broken the rules, and the trolling has gotten so far out of hand that they both likely deserve at least a temporary ban to stop the trolling.

General Josh Wrote:you know i mean theres plenty of U.S servers for CS, this one just gives me the best ping, so its not like i mind a ban. plz ban me and ban death equally, and look over the logs everytime i play and hes there, i guarantee theres at least one insult if hes there for more than 5 minutes.
My analysis: War-lords rocks, but I dont care. Check the logs.

General Josh Wrote:Plz ban me, I dont care, its fucking video game, and mind you there are many more servers with a little bit strickter rules and rule enforcement, then u guys out there, and here i had thought of giving you guys a check for 10 Grand, and im not kidding, but im not gonna do that now, because this community obviously doesnt deserve it, you dont keep strict rules, or else one his and two my, trolling/insults, would not go unpunished,

My analysis: War-lords can't hurt me, plenty of options. I was gonna give you $10,000 dollars, but now I'm taking my ball and going home because you guys didn't follow the rules.

General Josh Wrote:two, the occassional hacker wouldnt get a second chance, like first a one day ban, then a perma ban, because you should just outright ban them, which ive seen some cases which u dont, they dont hack the second time, but why u let them get awy with it n the first place i dont know. And in reality, its just a ban from a game server out of millions, its not like you killed my cats, or raped my mom or anything, cuz it really doesnt mattter,

My analysis: Hackers aren't punished severely enough here.

General Josh Wrote:and you guys can you know criticise me, you can think im saying the opposite of what im writing, go ahead with your immature internet logic, cuz this aint the real world, all i ask is you be alittle fair, just you know, Permanate Ban me, and Ban Death for like 2 days(obviously i know he likes me in some way or else he wouldnt troll, and thats what a lot of ppl have said)

My analysis: He knows he is going to get critisized, its war-lords fault for being immature. Reiterates both death and himself deserve a ban.

General Josh Wrote:And you know id rather not have anything to do with this server anymore, but hey whynot look good doing it warlords, hmm, you get my drift, ban me permanatley(forever) on grounds of Trolling, ban Death  for a day on the same reason, makes you guys look good and will attract more members(with less high pings mind u), it will show the GOod Disicipline and Well Upkeep of the servers by admins, and will effectively elimatanting the admins dont do there jobs arguement, and you get rid of two problems, Me, and Members Criticisms of the Policies here. And i hope you take the deal and post a ban using the circumstances ive stated, cuz see, Death wins, you guys look good, I win.

My analysis: He doesn't like war-lords anymore, we should ban him permanently for being a troll. This will bring war-lords great prosperity in the future. He thinks his ban + deaths ban is good thing for the servers.

General Josh Wrote:I have bigger things to focus on, Like Getting a Nomination from My Representative jackie Speier in order to go to West Point and do  the "REAL" CS if you know what i mean.
My analysis: He lives in california. Wants to join military and kill people.

TLBig GrinR
Ban me permanently in exchange for banning a person named death permanently for one day,  deal?
"Most people think time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm."
That seems to basically be it except for one thing:

General Josh Wrote:And you know id rather not have anything to do with this server anymore, but hey whynot look good doing it warlords, hmm, you get my drift, ban me permanatley(forever) on grounds of Trolling, ban Death  for a day on the same reason, makes you guys look good and will attract more members(with less high pings mind u), it will show the GOod Disicipline and Well Upkeep of the servers by admins, and will effectively elimatanting the admins dont do there jobs arguement, and you get rid of two problems, Me, and Members Criticisms of the Policies here. And i hope you take the deal and post a ban using the circumstances ive stated, cuz see, Death wins, you guys look good, I win.

Jass  Wrote:TLBig GrinR
Ban me permanently in exchange for banning a person named death permanently for a day, deal?

That's quite a bargain he's proposing.
Steam Wrote: 4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: was out
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: bison, dude
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: ???
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: you're very rude towards alina
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: how about unbanning her friend?
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: I mean
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: it's only gamebanana skins
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: ^^
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOLOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: lol
Is the the correct death?

He seems like an excessive troll, but I haven't come across any banworthy content yet.
"Most people think time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm."
LAWL this helped me take a poop it was that funny. Ty
[Image: jmchoooiumxgp4oyra5.png][Image: 4im0y2kvr2yk2v2nr7.png] ... n#msg34895
^^^^ Click and say Thank you to the guys who keep
this shit going.NOW^^^^

naive Wrote:I've fallen asleep cuddling a laptop before, don't judge me.

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