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Space Shuttle Enterprise flies again
Yeah, I guess the countless videos of people getting beat up and tortured by the Syrian military, Mukhabarat and shabbiha from various sources all over the world are all part of a big conspiracy.

Journalists getting routinely expelled from Syria so there's no one there to report on the situtation must be pure coincidence. I personally spoke to a Belgian journalist, who I know for sure is independent, he told me whole different stories than those you seem to cling to. He almost got killed by tanks firing in the direction of their building, I wonder how those "terrorists" got their hands on tanks.

The thousands of people who were killed in Hama in '81 were probably all "terrorists" too, a whole city of "terrorists" bombed to pieces. His dad wasn't all that different. I'm guessing you don't read a lot about the "Hama incident" in Syrian media, just like you don't read a lot about the Tiananmen protests in Chinese media.

If you're appalled by the bloodshed in Iraq, caused by the US, you can at least be consistent and condemn the repression by al-Assad and his apparatus as well.
You really think your president is all that different from all the other ones?
first of all your looking at this from 1 side only.

u see that's what they want the world to believe that our president is "killing" his own ppl(which i find silly...)
tell me george is it that hard to buy a military suit and some guns with it?
is it that hard for a terrorists to kidnap a citizen during the night?
is it hard for them to torture the guy and record him on vid?
and i disagree on that point cuz there are alot of Journalists
inside and those who got expelled must have gotten in illegal -_-.
and im pretty sure that the tank was shooting at the terrorists unknowing that ur "independent" friend was there... but im surprised that ur friend didnt lose a limb of his body cuz if im correct tanks can do a powerful things lol

oh and the '81 incident' was a hard decision for every1, you see george those terrorists were driving cars inside the city during the night and shooting houses/buildings/pplz if you dont see that as an act of terrorists then i dont know what to see to you, and now is even worse than before why? well it's nothing just every now and then a building or a car could explode right next to u and kill many with it...
do you agree on living like that? cuz me and many others dont.

whats happening now is almost the same as '81' incident but much harder/tougher cuz of those fags outside supporting the terrorists with guns/armors/missiles/bombs...etc
so they can kill innocent pplz and video it and say it was the Syrian military who did it...
yes george it's a big fat conspiracy believe it or not but it is.
money can buy alot of pplz except those who have honor and dignity(which are very rare these day)

and yea george our president is different from all others.

i hope you find a good source of info next time
You can deny everything with that logic, how do you know those "terrorists" aren't military personnel without uniforms trying to make the opposition look like terrorists. I'm not saying there aren't human rights violations being commited by opposition figures, but denying the human rights violations by the Syrian state is like denying the earth is round.
Demonising the whole opposition as terrorists is just an old trick that has been used by who knows how many governments.
And bombing a whole city because there's a group of "terrorists" present there is not really honorable.

I read news reports from all over the world (not just CNN if that's what you think). The whole world is in a conspiracy except Syrian media. I think you're the ones looking at this from one side.
You have no Fucking Idea about whats happening in here, don't barge in just like that and call me a liar, I don't give a damn about foreign journalists, I know what I'm saying because I know what the people in here are saying, & you have no idea about who was behind 81 accidents, imagine trucks full of terrorists shooting at buildings, people & police cars Randomly in the US, what would you think the Military should do, sit and watch...that's just BS.

I say it again you have no idea what your talking about.

some photos to show you what do the Syrians think of their president:

Yes my president is different from those imperialists ruling this damn world.
[Image: bxj6gaq99c9hyvinfkvn.jpg]
[Image: w0l5y0.png]
I don't recall calling anyone a liar. Your youtube links prove as much as the youtube links I could provide though. I guess you know what happened in '81, assuming you were there? You have your information from non-direct sources just like me.

Thinking your president is the only one who's different from others is just plain naive.
Look no one said their weren't good opposition in Syria, there are many people i know who went to protest because they didn't like certain facts about our education system, and others because of the high prices, but still when my friends knew that other sides are taking advantage of whats going on, they stopped going out in protests, and told me that its not a good idea right now, but that doesn't mean that they will protest but when this conspiracy is over until they get what their asking for.

Not all the Opposition groups in here are lethal, but the problem is that those who are, are backed by US, UN..Israel which amplifies what they lie about, and inject wrong ideas about the facts that are happening on the ground.
[Image: bxj6gaq99c9hyvinfkvn.jpg]
[Image: w0l5y0.png]
I have a feeling we could go on for days. Smile
We don't agree, we gave our opinions.
I've just went to my father, & asked him about 81 incidents, to get the true story..
Yes your right it shouldn't have been resolved like that (excessive force) it was a mistake, but do you know who was behind this mistake the one who did all that, he was a senior officer called "Refa'at Al-Assad & vice president Abdulhaleem Khadam" he was the late president (Hafez Al-Assad) brother, they were stupid & took advantage of the presidents illness, but later the president punished them with exile even tho he was his brother, but he caused unrepairable damage.
my father said that he was even gonna hit him in front of all the people of Hama.

Now that's the true, plain and simple (words from my fathers mouth).

Hafez Al-Assad "God have mercy on his soul" & Dr. Bashar Al-Assad were & will always be the best 2 leaders in the history of Syria.
[Image: bxj6gaq99c9hyvinfkvn.jpg]
[Image: w0l5y0.png]
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
lol yes boss
and cool sig haha

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