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Server Separation
Matt, post: 75916, member: 178 Wrote:Just for curiousitys sake can you do a speedtest to Los Angeles on and post the results please?

BTW we don't pay per game server, we pay for whole servers (boxes). We could change one of the servers to US only but I have to wonder how many people would actually play on it.
IF well set up servers, I will. Also, make only for US and Canada..
[Image: 1UH9a8H.png]

[Image: 5pfuEDP.gif]
International community, international rules bros. Unless everyone wants to pay to maintain servers around the world that is.
Though, can we do something about Ping maskers, i cant understand why ppl can't be honest about having 300 or 400 latencies, why they have to hide it either.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
Lieutenant Josh, post: 75926, member: 946 Wrote:why they have to hide it either.
If you want to know their ping, type "ping" in console
[Image: 1UH9a8H.png]

[Image: 5pfuEDP.gif]
Some of the players in US keeps insulting ppls with 140 ping and above, i think they should study the word ''PING'' and go find other server that only supports US.
Just Go With IT. √

 Why are you even looking here? scroll down if you can.
well, "my beef" is with 150 plus pingers I feel like I am wasting my money on a good internet connection just to be killed by a guy with a 150 ping when I am passed where he has a shot (I know a few others are as well) that is why spartcus is trying to go the other way.....I am going to make a demo of this if I have to learn to edit, I have seen it in spectate and I have experienced it first hand.

Getting shot behind the point of contact is bs and it needs or should be respected and fixed..if that is with separate servers and separate rates so be it...that is my case.

If I need to get a group of donators to help with this I will. (I shouldnt though) It is a simple rate ajustment. My ping is fine its the others that pose the problem.
(I need a 150 ping to compete farly it seems like.)

I am from Phx matt and a speed test would prove nothing.
What's the difference between a rigger and god?
God doesn't think he's a rigger.
My beef is people (JukeBoxHero) like you that think your the only one who pays for a good internet connection. When I was living in the states I was getting way better REG. You know this from the servers we used to play on together before wLs. I won't attempt to understand geeky in's and out's about why. When I play on a Germany server where I aim I hit. On US servers I sometimes get lerp or knifed at 10 feet away.

What keeps wLs populated is its large player base. The only time I have seen a high ping have an advantage is when they skip across the map, but those players are kicked. I would be curious on what your speedtest to Frankfurt is?
Mr.Tea, post: 76372, member: 1006 Wrote:The only time I have seen a high ping have an advantage is when they skip across the map, but those players are kicked.
If it's not console, then no-one is really kicking people..
[Image: 1UH9a8H.png]

[Image: 5pfuEDP.gif]
Tea has a point which I do not understand...this is my speed test from phx to la and the comparison is well look.. (it must be just me)
I should be DL'ing and Uploading way faster then what he is in Germany...I have moved on and probably wont be in wL servers much anymore.

I am over it source is bad and forced rates just magnifies the problem so...I guess I ruffled a few wL feathers....fix your rates...LOL

Quote:If it's not console, then no-one is really kicking people..
What's the difference between a rigger and god?
God doesn't think he's a rigger.
You clearly don't understand networking. Smile
Steam Wrote: 4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: was out
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: bison, dude
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: ???
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: you're very rude towards alina
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: how about unbanning her friend?
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: I mean
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: it's only gamebanana skins
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: ^^
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOLOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: lol
Didn't really understood how networking/latencies/ping/servers worked until Rival's post a year back.

I have an average of 200ms latency on the servers. Layman terms, i'm supposed to be viewing what's happening "real-time" in the game at about 150 to 170 ms later than what the local players of where the server(with low latency) is located is viewing.

However, there is only a few players with 30 to 40+ latency who managed to take advantage of my situation.

Honestly, you have a huge advantage over those with high latencies.

How does latencies affect gameplay?

Quote:The ever popular Physics 101 experiment, "The Ruler Drop" consistently shows that human reaction time is about a tenth of a second. Pings above 100ms are generally going to be noticeable. The maximum ping I can tolerate in an FPS is 150, although in L4D I will go up to 250 since it is generally pretty laggy anyway, plus their prediction scheme is pretty good. Let them know that their lag isn't all that matters either, too. 100ms lag just to ping the main infrastructure will translate to an unacceptable amount of lag when interacting with anything outside your state (or country, in Europe). Prediction schemes (heuristic methods of compensating for lag) tend to break down beyond 200ms, since the frequency of paradoxes and the time it takes to respond to them is too great. Saying ping is unimportant to gaming is like saying bandwidth is unimportant to video streaming. It is, in fact, the only thing that matters (when bandwidth is the limiting factor, game servers/clients compensate by increasing their ping so they can get the whole frame). You can use me as a credible source too; I am currently programming for Eternal Silence, a mod for HL2 (and the only mod with lag-compensated vehicle motion).
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.

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