Apr 20 2014, 07:30 PM
how about a new awp server of asia??
cuz when i enter the worlord sniping server the latency freaks me out man!
always around 350 

Double post
Lieutenant Josh, post: 81353, member: 946 Wrote:Actually been 3 and half days there but still, from what bison said, he wanted to use the current Asian player base. Im sure these Stat checking nerds over there can see pretty clearly on the wlgameme stats that there are asian servers but its all bots. Its definitely early to call fail, but you know what if after a month if all the servers see just say less than 100 people who have played on it, i would then call it a real failure. Why would you pay for something nobodies going to use? Whats more, most of the Asian and high latency/ping players like exploiting their advantages on the U.S server by being able to kill people with their crappy latency. This morning I encountered a guy who teleported like 10 ft when i was directly in front of him, and then he killed me, and his connection is from Asia. Ive encountered players who shoot blatantly the other direction from where u are and still damage you cause of high latency, people who kill you eventhough you've already completely ducked for like 3-5 seconds behind a wall which they can't shoot thru, and of course, the occasional lagass that looks like hes on a vibrating chair as hes shooting u. I know its partially on my side because i have 17 latency now and a great connection, but i mean ive seen players with 200, 250 latencies, connecting from way out there who don't lag at all. You wait Bison, after a month or two and theres a very small population of players on all the Asian servers, yeah that would be a waste of buying a space, in Singapore, to house and maintain the servers(with the computers theyre on(obviously not cheap ones either))because simply no ones playing on them.do you have typing addiction??lol seriously bro