1.Benny Lee 18.45
2.Riser 17.94
3.(255,0,0) 15.54
4.The Suspect 15.29
5.NOX 14.88
6.Cristlol 13.73
7.`CingkeT 13.46 (General Performance around 15-16 rws )
8. megafuse 13.33 (Staggering 21% Headshot )
9. WashedUp 12.95 (Recent rws 14+)
10.TohkaZ 12.53
11. GOKU 12.28
12.Painkiller 11.95
13.nuon 11.47
14.Kidd 11.44
15.LuXxy 11.33 (Two months rws around 13)
16.Dredd// 11.25
17.JmaX 11.17
18.steroid 11.05
19.Jay' 11.01
20.Crusader 10.77
21.ßff.QueenCrazy 10.10 (High Ping Player from N.A)
22. RaghuRock 9.82
23. lala 9.17
24.AJ 9.17
25.KING MVP 8.99
26.Gicky 8.91 (Total Pugs Played 47 )
27.Apes R Poppin 8.90
28. Sanananana 8.78 (More then 1000+ pugs played )
29. gozuness 8.66 (Total Pugs Played 13)
30.Red ™ 8.57 (More then 1000+ pugs played )
31.vorse lexter 7.46
32.THE FREAKING BATMAN 4.56 (Total Pugs Played 28)
WL Asia will be organizing a Draft tournament from 01/09/2017 to 03/09/2017.ALL matches take place from Friday September 1st to Sunday September 3rd,from 11 am -11 pm SGT. Participants are expected to play every team during this time. Make sure you're available on these three days and times before registering.
This is a draft tournament. The highest RWS participants will be team captains. Team captains will choose a player every round of picking until teams are full. Picking order is 1,2,3,4:4,3,2,1 to ensure balanced teams .
MAP-POOL:- de_dust2,de_cplstrike,de_cache,de_season,de_nuke,_de_inferno,de_tuscan
There will be a minimum of 4 teams (20 players).
It will be a Double Elimination tourney with a upper and lower bracket.
Upper Bracket
Seed 1 vs Seed 4 (Seed 4 Loses and goes to lower bracket)
Seed 2 vs Seed 3 (seed 3 loses and goes to lower bracket
Seed 1 vs Seed 2 (seed to loses and goes to lower bracket)
Lower Bracket
Seed 3 vs Seed 4 (Seed 4 Eliminated)
Seed 3 vs Seed 2 (Seed 3 Eliminated, Seed 2 Back to upper bracket finals)
The teams will be picked on Wednesday 30th of August 8pm SGT.
Post your nickname and a link to your pug stats page to register.
You must behave professionally during the tournament since it's meant to be serious. No whining about registry, p90, teammates, strategy, cheating, etc or starting flame wars/arguments during matches. No forfeiting or ragequitting matches either. Even if it's 15-0, you're expected to finish every match.
Your team captain is considered your IGL (ingame leader) unless they delegate this responsibility to someone else. You MUST follow their strategies and play spots/sites they tell you even if you disagree. Team captains should repeat their strategies a few times or ask whether anyone is unclear of where they are playing/doing during freezetime until their teammates acknowledge they understand what they are expected to do that round.
Each player on a team can pause the match once for 60 seconds. Pauses can be extended by having a teammate or opponent use their pause. Do not use !pause unless you need to use it (strategy, emergency bathroom, internet drop, etc). In general, it's better to take bathroom breaks during half time than using !pause. Pauses take place during freezetime or the next round's freezetime.
Typical league rules are also in effect. This means certain gameplay isn't permitted, such as:
- certain spots (de_train, de_tuscan, etc). The boosts on de_inferno are fine.
- crouch spamming (standing and ducking repeatedly and rapidly on bomb or gun fights).
- illegal defuses (you must have clear line of sight. obviously excluding barrels/teammates/flashes/smokes)
Failure to abide by these rules will result in bans from future War-Lords events in addition to an in-game ban.
A big thanks to BEN and Bison for Organizing the last NA Draft Tournament
Special Thanks to Mr.Bill Nose for sharing his league experience
Taco 110/66 6/1
V&D 106/98 4/4
Rounds For/Against (last participating stage)-------Wins/Defeat
1st Taco Bandits
2nd Jésus 38/48 = -10 ratio ---------- 4-4 Overall
3rd 2sWoLe 31/46 = -15 ratio --------- 4-4 Overall
4th Teachers 54/77 = -23 ratio -------- 1-4 Overall
5th Frogs 18/64 = -46 ratio -------- 0-4 Overall
The average between Highest and Lowest RWS possible will be used to make the seeds, for Grouping (RWS from https://war-lords.net/forum/thread-16801.html).
Teachers (70.29, 77.35) = 73.82 (Seed 3)
Les Super Jésus (68.52, 80.77) = 74.645 (Seed 2)
.2Swole ~[ (68.52 , 79.01) = 73.765 (Seed 4)
V&D (67.27 , 71.47) = 69.37 (Seed 5)
The Taco Bandits (72.37 , 84.72) = 78.545 (Seed 1)
Frag Frogs (60.04 , 74.84) = 67.44 (Seed 6)
Group A
The Taco Bandits (Seed 1)
Teachers (Seed 3)
V&D (Seed 5)
Group B
Les Super Jésus (Seed 2)
2sWoLe (Seed 4)
Frag Frogs (Seed 6)
Friday : Free to schedule a bo3
Saturday Default hours :
The Taco Bandits vs Teachers (bo3)
de_cpl_strike 16-5
de_cache 16-8
The Taco Bandits vs V&D (bo3)
de_season 16-10
de_tuscan 16-5
Les Super Jésus vs Frag Frogs (bo3)
de_season 16-3
de_cpl_strike 16-9
Sunday Default hours
Les Super Jésus vs .2Swole ~ (bo3)
de_tuscan 19-17
de_season 13-16
de_nuke 11-16
Monday Default hours
.2Swole ~ vs Frag Frogs (bo3)
de_contra 16-5
de_tuscan 16-1
V&D vs Teachers (bo3)
de_season 10-16
de_contra 19-16
de_tuscan 16-9
Those are the default hours, as you can see, 2 teams got default hours for Monday, and the reason for it is quite simple, Friday would be 2 soon and unfair of a notice.
You guys can schedule those bo3 anyday prior to the default hours (or before midnight the same day).
Next Week End
Saturday (Semi-Finals)
Les Super Jésus vs The Taco Bandits
de_inferno 16-14
de_cache 14-16
de_russka 8-16
V&D vs .2Swole
de_tuscan 16-1
de_russka 14-16
de_nuke 16-14
Sunday (Finale)
The Taco Bandits vs V&D
de_tuscan 16-9
de_russka 16-11
Prize for the winning team : donator status + 1/2 of the donation pot and being a member of the (wL) CSS Champions group.
Group Stage :
During the Group Stage, teams will be split into their groups according to the average RWS of the 5 starting members. Teams will play a best of 1 (Double elimination). Normal Tournament rules are in place. Maps and sides will be chosen through veto. 1 Match per day (7th to 9th)
Knockout Stage:
Knockout Stage will be a Best out of 3 Games. Maps will be chosen through Veto. Teams will arrange a time to play. Normal Tournament rules are in place. Finals Will be Playing a Best of 3 with each team vetoing maps again. 1 bo3 per day (14th to 16th)
Maps Pool: Dust2, Inferno, Nuke, Season, Cache, Tuscan, Cpl Strike (other map if both team agrees prior to match)
+ de_train, de_contra and de_russka for bo3 (Quarter and +) and bo5 (Finale).
1. Teams will have to consist of at least 5 members . There can be only 2 backup/sub per team to maximize the teams number.
2. Teams will have to play the match against their opposition on the scheduled date (or default). Failure to do so will result in a forfeit of the Game.
3. A player can register to only 1 lineups.
4. You can edit your Line-ups until the registration period is over.
5. There will be no spectators in the server. Only way to watch the match is through SourceTV. This will prevent ghosting from spectators. (There will be an admin online to set the server up.)
6. There will be a ping limit of 250.
7. Only players with at least 2 months played here in the last year can register for the tournament (or reliable esea and league history).
8. The Standard War-lords Rule will also be applied.
You must behave professionally during the tournament since it's meant to be serious. No whining about registry, p90, teammates, strategy, cheating, etc or starting flame wars/arguments during matches. No forfeiting or ragequitting matches either. Even if it's 15-0, you're expected to finish every match.
Each player on a team can pause the match once for 60 seconds. Pauses can be extended by having a teammate or opponent use their pause. Do not use !pause unless you need to use it (strategy, emergency bathroom, internet drop, etc). In general, it's better to take bathroom breaks during half time than using !pause. Pauses take place during freezetime or the next round's freezetime.
Typical league rules are also in effect. This means certain gameplay isn't permitted, such as:
certain spots (de_train, de_tuscan, etc). The boosts on de_inferno are fine.
crouch spamming (standing and ducking repeatedly and rapidly on bomb or gun fights).
illegal defuses (you must have clear line of sight. obviously excluding barrels/teammates/flashes/smokes)
Standard War-Lords rules apply for areas not covered here.
Failure to abide by these rules will result in bans from future War-Lords events in addition to an in-game ban.
Registering a Team :
Please Provide a Team Name along with a Team Leader. Please Provide up to 5 members + 1-2 sub(s) (If Required) linking their Pug Profile ( E.g https://servers.war-lords.net/index.php?...s/27392773) and the Time Zone your team is from, in this thread.
Tournament Schedule:
Teams will be split up in this Format: (Teams will be ranked based on their overall RWS of Starting Members).
Group A: 1,5,9,13
Group B: 2,6,10,14
Group C: 3,7,11,15
Group D: 4,8,12,16
Group Stage Bracket (7th to 9th):
Group A – Match #1 – Seed 1 vs Seed 3
Group A – Match #2 – Seed 2 vs Seed 4
Group A – Match #3 – Winner vs. Winner (Winners Go Through to Knockout)
Group A – Match #4 – Loser vs. Loser (Losers are out)
Group A – Match #5 – Match#3Losers vs Match#4Winners (Winners Go Through to Knockout)
Group B – Match #1– Seed 1 vs Seed 3
Group B – Match #2– Seed 2 vs Seed 4
Group B – Match #3 – Winner vs. Winner (Winners Go Through to Knockout)
Group B – Match #4 – Loser vs. Loser (Losers are out)
Group B – Match #5 – Match#3Losers vs Match#4Winners (Winners Go Through to Knockout)
Group C – Match #1– Seed 1 vs Seed 3
Group C – Match #2– Seed 2 vs Seed 4
Group C – Match #3 – Winner vs. Winner (Winners Go Through to Knockout)
Group C – Match #4 – Loser vs. Loser (Losers are out)
Group C – Match #5 – Match#3Losers vs Match#4Winners (Winners Go Through to Knockout)
Group D – Match #1– Seed 1 vs Seed 3
Group D – Match #2– Seed 2 vs Seed 4
Group D – Match #3 – Winner vs. Winner (Winners Go Through to Knockout)
Group D – Match #4 – Loser vs. Loser (Losers are out)
Group D – Match #5 – Match#3Losers vs Match#4Winners (Winners Go Through to Knockout)
Knockout Stage Bracket (14th to 16th):
Quarterfinals – Match #1 (Group A Winners vs Group B Runner-Ups)
Quarterfinals – Match #2 (Group C Winners vs Group D Runner-Ups)
Quarterfinals – Match #3 (Group B Winners vs Group C Runner-Ups)
Quarterfinals – Match #4 (Group D Winners vs Group A Runner-Ups)
Semi-finals – Match #1 (Winner of Match #1 vs Winner of Match #2)
Semi-finals – Match #2 (Winner of Match #3 vs Winner of Match #4)
Grand-finals – Match
Registered Teams :
Teachers (Central) : Snooch (Leader), Bagel, Shake Weights, Mikey, shotguNs, Helmut, Trailer (7)
Les Super Jésus (Central) : Ben- (Leader), Bison (Manager), loopz, JayRR, 250, SirSnipey, StolenBread. (7)
2sWole (Time Zone ?) : MeMoRy_ (Leader ?), Loki, Kahoob, Avanti, Henson, pck, griz. (7)
The Taco Bandits (Time Zone ?) : Vivix (Leader), Juniorc4, Netex, Kampire, Billnose, Zorandi, nMe (7)
Vicious and Delicious (Pacific) : 5 (Daddy), Gabe, Flax, Pedrobear, Sift, Dark, tardbus (7)
Frag Frogs (Time Zone ?) : StabbinRabbit (Captain), Taran, QueenCrazy, Impulse, Night Hawk, 0Lukz, THAT BUS (7)
Free Agents :
Legend of the Megawookie https://war-lords.net/pugs/players/9181396
Nazar https://war-lords.net/pugs/players/113942167
dyslexia^ https://war-lords.net/pugs/players/334407973
Devious https://war-lords.net/pugs/players/9678193
!Soul https://war-lords.net/pugs/players/108475820
LuxXy https://war-lords.net/pugs/players/89715506
Tournament Admins : Ben-, Brawl Bashin’ Bison, Billnose, (+ others we will confirm with)
Shoutout to sosa, for sharing the Asian tournament format with me (back then), and to Asia admins for making it (back then), to Crusader for organizing the recent Asia tournament and to Bison for being bison.