(Dec 15 2016, 10:16 PM)RealRecklezz Wrote: (Dec 15 2016, 10:13 PM)Vorpal Wrote: (Dec 15 2016, 09:53 PM)RealRecklezz Wrote: (Dec 15 2016, 09:40 PM)vivixxcore Wrote: Can we start a vote on the forms on if this troll can be banned from the servers ?
I have seen nothing but super trolling from this kid everytime i play with him. just yesterday on tuscan he started knifing me in the back while i was trying to awp people and blocking me. hes a bigger troll then junior4 and thats saying alot 
I'm pretty sure I was knifing u in the back at spawn and as we left from spawn on tuscan, so If youre gonna complain about the first 15 seconds of a round, I cant stop you but it makes your argument seem that much more ridiculous.
Look man, trolling is fine. It can be funny, and add some fresh enjoyment every once in a while. However, there's a point where you need to take a step back and ask yourself if you're going to far. There's sometimes you can be funny, but your "trolling" pushes things a bit to far sometimes. Take a step back and maybe you'll be more liked in the community.
I like that you take a step back from the original claims being made here when you finally realize how ridiculous it sounds to complain about getting knifed 10 to 15 sec into the round. Mind you, there was no friendly fire
Are you delusional? I never made original claims.
Anyways, knifing people 10-15 seconds into the round is a problem if you're looking at the game from a team-play perspective. You should be holding your spot, pre-smoking things, etc... rather than jerking it knifing someone in the back. Friendly-fire or not, if a rush were to come you're hindering the player you're knifing's movement to fall back in a direct manner and you're out of position.