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Well, banned for bhopping, Good bye
Ghosty, post: 94600, member: 15215 Wrote:play chess with me ru . Let's see who's the mastermind lol .

What is your fics account name?
[Image: jqmd52.png][Image: Craack.gif]
ceddeeoo, post: 94595, member: 9052 Wrote:i tried them all

they work nice
noo.......i think u have tested them many years back.....i tested em all and some r corrupt and some never works.....none works...............99.99% public hacks or cracked versions(not bhop) dont work....
[Image: 984349_101.png]
[Image: imager.php?id=4415953&t=o]
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ThillyGoose, post: 94592, member: 16801 Wrote:[SIZE=13px][/SIZE]

Can't get around me though Wink
LOOOL you'll see me soon c;
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Isnt this exactly what Rival said happened to him. Sounds like a lie to me
Is this thing on?

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s p a c e, post: 94619, member: 11204 Wrote:LOOOL you'll see me soon c;

Stay off the server >Sad
u cheting betch.
i ban u.
ban u hard.
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Platform, Sleepy, and now Betty White. PtK please start doing intense background checks.
YuRi Approves
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Yuri The Sailor, post: 94632, member: 14856 Wrote:Platform, Sleepy, and now Betty White. PtK please start doing intense background checks.

That's what we plan on doing. We've changed the way to join HDK.
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The "my friend got me banned" excuse is very common . Made me sick just by reading it .
"People scream when I Scrim"
[Image: ghostcat-300x230.jpg]
Ghosty, post: 94634, member: 15215 Wrote:The "my friend got me banned" excuse is very common . Made me sick just by reading it .
Isn't it the "my brother was plaaaaying on my accouuuunt" excuse more common? When will they learn....ahhh Darwinism at its highest, survival of the fittest...and the downfall of the stupid
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Former Stargate Worlds International Moderator
guys dont judge, my aunt play one round and searched "counter strike source bhop script hack" and got me banned pls unban me i swear i never share my account again, i only type "cl_bhop" in console and then boom ban i dont know what happen i dont cheat i got message saying to come to this website but i dont know wat happen one minute i was in game playing with friend and then ban pls help unban

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