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wL Server Popular Maps #2: Round Time Duration Decreased
Hey Bison,

This is VC. 

Would you guys at wL considering reducing the round time significantly?

I noticed that I am the rushing type and like to push forward early to key spots to hold certain map choke points.
Whenever I play, there are only a handful of brave teammates that assist me, thus my style tends to get me killed and leaves me in spectator mode for a long time.

Thus being able to spectate for a large amount of time, I notice there is a particular admin that tends to have the opposite play style of me. 
On Aztec as T, he camps T spawn nest area until very late in the round usually less than 45 seconds will he begin to engage.
On Italy as CT, he camps CT apartments actually until 20 seconds to move to peek T bridge and purposely waits there until the round is over resulting in a loss.

If you make comments for him to do the objective he will refer to the timer, saying he has plenty of time or will say he is outnumbered thus he is camping.

Either way, this admin person purposely drags out the rounds and makes people wait for entire 3 minutes.

However when others are doing the same strategy he is doing, he will use his admin powers to slay them.

To prevent this, the real solution to keep the majority of people in less spectator time is to reduce the round time encouraging both sides to engage earlier and avoid the frustration people feel watching someone play extremely passive without any real tactics not fair to their teammates.

Just a suggestion but a genuine one, I truly hope you would consider. 

Moved to the correct board, CS: Suggestions

The name of the admin could help Tongue If you would prefer to not say it publicly, send a personal message Smile
Counter-Strike: Source Public Clan:

Contact xFerior (me) for more information on the Public Server clan.

[Image: 2evxipy.jpg]
He's talking about me... I just banned him for a inappropriate language(check sourcebans). For some reason this player is the only player who complain about me not doing objectives. And in the mean time two days ago when you said I don't do objectives I planted bomb on Inferno 3 times in a row and all 3 times you were hiding somewhere, we couldn't find you(for ct). Just ask everyone else who has ever played with me, if I'm a camper type of player(no objectives) or not. I don't remember last time when I lost because I ran out of time, I always follow the round time.

BTW, this player said:
Aug 2, 2011 3:51:51 am I will donate $100US to wL
Aug 2, 2011 3:51:42 am the day when ru gets mvp

Next round I got mvp! Can you be the man of your word?

I support this idea, we can lower round time to 2:30.
Quote:For some reason this player is the only player who complain about me not doing objectives.
Last people alive cannot read the dead people's chat.  Guess who is usually last man standing?

Quote:And in the mean time two days ago when you said I don't do objectives I planted bomb on Inferno 3 times in a row and all 3 times you were hiding somewhere, we couldn't find you(for ct).

Ruplayer Points:    29,238
Plant the Bomb:    81
Defuse the Bomb: 18

VietCong Points:  32, 601
Plant the Bomb:    157
Defuse the Bomb:  43

We are nearly identical in points and position on Warlords Popular Maps.
I have twice the defuse and twice plants than you. I do objectives X2 than you as a CT and as a T.

Quote:I don't remember last time when I lost because I ran out of time, I always follow the round time.
You are too busy crouch walking. GG.

Quote:BTW, this player said:
Aug 2, 2011 3:51:51 am I will donate $100US to wL
Aug 2, 2011 3:51:42 am the day when ru gets mvp

Next round I got mvp! Can you be the man of your word?

I lit up most of the guys at Aztec middle DD w/ my nade and ran out solo to rifle them down to 20-40hp, I die solo.

You come out at 30 seconds left to Aztec middle DD, spray them all and get all the kills from a bullet per ct.

Baiting is not worthy of most valuable player.  GG

Quote:I support this idea, we can lower round time to 2:30.

I am amazed you agreed to this. This will really counter your overused camping tactic, are you sure?
I don't wanna spend time arguing with you, just will say that I camp when I think it's what I need to do in order to win by the end of the round, or I rush fast and get as many kills as I can, and a lot of times people even call me kamikaze because I am first to die ahead of my team.

Here is similar report from media from the past: ... 7/#msg7337
If you ask Media now, i think he would say that I'm not ignoring game objectives(plant/defuse/rescue/guard/KILL ALL). He just didn't know me well!

You said you will donate $100 if I get mvp in game, I got it, now you say I need to get mvp by killing people with more than one bullet per kill... it's bs, I just played good with a little luck, you owe $100 to wL...

Edit: one more thing, you're not man enough to say something directly to me, and you talk when if I'm not on server, or      I'm alive and you're dead, or team_chat, I will still see your chat logs, and if I see something like this again I will reban you.
Quote:For some reason this player is the [glow=red,2,300]only[/glow] player who complain about me not doing objectives

You are alive most of the time when people are complaining about you because you are the last man standing when all of your teammates have died thus you cannot see our chat. There are a few people typing how bored or noob you are.
Media was annoyed enough to post on the forums. I was annoyed enough to post on the forums.  How about the others who have not taken the time to post?  I am sure there are others whom are exasperated watching you sit in various parts of the map near your spawn unrelated to objectives.  We want to play not watch you crouch walk and the timer run out without you giving a decent effort.

Quote:And in the mean time two days ago when you said I don't do objectives I planted bomb on Inferno 3 times in a row
My point exactly.  In a 42 person server, for you to get the bomb 3x times in a row means you have waited for everyone to die and finally decided to come out of your hiding hole.  It is highly unlikely on a team of 21 people that you are able to get the bomb 3x unless everyone is dead.

As you claiming to be objective oriented, here is a graph rejecting that basis.

[Image: objectives.jpg]

In about 406 hours you have played on the server, you have planted 20% relative to your playing time.
1 plant/ 5hrs.

In about 406 hours you have played on the server, you have defused 4% relative to your playing time.
1 defuse/ 25hrs.

I don't consider myself very objective oriented but I am using my statistics as comparison.

In 169 hours I have played, I have planted 93% of the bombs relative to my playing time.
About 1 plant/ hr.

In 169 hours I have played, I have defused 25% of the bombs relative to my playing time.
1 defuse/ 4hr.

So the graph says you are not objective oriented as accused.

Our clamorous criticism is due to our perceived selfishness of your play.  We are not happy that you sacrifice the team for your survival with little regards for teamwork.  This is how we view it when you are usually the last person alive on your team regardless of your commentary.

When some of us brave teammates confront you as the admin, this style of play even discouraged on wL Message of the Day (MOTD), you ignore us or retort that you were trying to win the round.  However, when we see very unintelligent moves like crouchwalking and poor peeking combined with substandard crosshair placement, we see no hope in your heroic efforts that you view yourself as completing.

While we sympathize your "efforts", we feel the strategy you undertaken is subpar to acheiving the desired outcome of winning the round.
When we voice our concerns, we are greeted with a haphazard, snarling remark that does little to satiate us like, "I do whatever I want."

As administrator of a server, you help others comply to the rule and yourself abiding by them.  We expect this person to be personable, amicable, and diplomatic in handling any concerns the players bring forth. 

I, myself, have been in situations as last man standing have actually typed "kill" in console realizing I am making 80% of the server watch me play while they themselves would rather be playing instead of watching.  Simple gestures go a long way to establish rapport instead of comments that alienate and lead to verbal quarreling and subsequent banning of the party with unequaled privileges.

Thus my orignal post on this topic never identified you.  I realize the true solution was to shorten the round duration, however you felt the need to identify yourself and antagonize me further after I am already annoyed at your actions.  We get into an argument and you ban me.

Think of the solutions and how to create an enjoyable experience for the people whom you look after for a sustainable, foreseeable future of wL.
Your actions represent your wL community.

People are free to state their opinions.  If you wish you peruse (stalk) my chat to appease your ego, you may.  But to threaten to ban longer for any comments you find point to your style of play is very selfish and hedonistic, making this a matter of hubris than true resolution of the problem.

Pertaining to my $100 donation commitment.  I would like to honor it. 
I will donate $1000 if your admin status is revoked for unnecessary slaying and poor administrating.

You know my steamid, you can ban me permanently if my promise is not affirmed.

Attached Files

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You still didn't send $100, and I am surprised how fanatic you are, and how you made some case out of nothing... seriously nothing, yes I get killed a lot when I realize that I have bomb, and rush in. I'm not so pro right? And I never abuse my admin on you, wtf are you talking about? Makes no sense... Sometimes there are 4-5 admins at the same time on one server, and I'm responsible for any actions they make, sometimes some other admin slay somebody(not saying that he abuse, there is always a reason), and people start asking me why did I slay him, because they know my name, while I didn't even hit admin menu.

In other words your case doesn't have any facts, except that you plant the bomb more than I do, which has nothing to do with my admin powers, I kill more people than you do, and you cant plant the bomb without kills...

And here is my gameme statistic with 17 inch laptop(now using 14)(the reason why I plant less, is because I play for ct 67% out of 100%)  I had this profile #10 in gameme before my laptop's screen cracked.

Sure I can rush in every round if I stack teams like you, and it's really easy, because stacked teams always rush!

Here is what you say when I win:

Jul 30, 2011 8:29:40 am if I am playing for real, you would never plant (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Jul 30, 2011 8:29:30 am I feel sorry for you, I LET you plant scrub (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Jul 30, 2011 8:29:22 am ruplayer

Here is why you got banned:

Aug 2, 2011 4:12:22 am lol he is mad (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 2, 2011 3:53:48 am how does he have the same score as me (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 2, 2011 3:53:35 am LOL BAIT (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 2, 2011 3:51:51 am I will donate $100US to wL (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 2, 2011 3:51:42 am the day when ru gets mvp (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 2, 2011 3:50:04 am he baits (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 2, 2011 3:49:55 am ru doesn't rush (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 2, 2011 3:49:13 am let me demo it (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 2, 2011 3:49:04 am camp spawn more (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 2, 2011 3:49:00 am are you camping spawn again? (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 2, 2011 3:48:28 am you are garbage (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 2, 2011 3:48:24 am put me on ct so I can 1 dg you ru (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 2, 2011 3:48:09 am shittie player (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 2, 2011 3:48:05 am he is gay (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 2, 2011 3:47:55 am camping and shit (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 2, 2011 3:47:52 am admin or not (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 2, 2011 3:47:50 am ruplayer is a *** (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 2, 2011 3:47:35 am this ruplayer is a ***

And about the same amount of text before I warned you.

When you get unbanned, I want to ask you to don't talk to me in game unless you want to report a hacker or any other player not following the rules.

This topic is in suggestions section, I thing you guys should move it to report admin abuse section or something.
VietCong, ruplayer is indeed a horrible player, an admin abuser, and generally does not deserve to be an admin.

Refer to here ... min-abuse/ for proof of admin abuse.  He also lost his temper near the end because he is unfit to be an admin.

Refer to here ... eparty%29/ for further proof that he doesn't know how to admin a server (he doesn't know how to handle "micspammers" and also does not know how to identify them correctly), and the demos, provided in the thread by himself, are proof that he is a horrible player (does not know how to use the Mute feature and does not know how to use his radar).  He also deleted my post about teaching him about these two features in CS:S, which he had no right to do.  Since he overstepped his admin privileges there, he can be considered an admin abuser at this point, as well.
[Image: 0:3304193_css.png]
I don't even spend time on reading whatever this duck says, because I know she hates Wink
ruplayer Wrote:I don't even spend time on reading whatever this duck says, because I know she hates Wink

I'm assuming that I'm the female duck here.  Here is more evidence that ruplayer is not fit for admin.  Also, I indeed "hate" admin abusers.
[Image: 0:3304193_css.png]

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