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General Josh's Flame ceddeeoo Thread
Quote:Hmm, didn't think i'd piss off a frenchman in the process, oh wait, its a proven fact that French people are the most racist, even Black Frenchmen hate the French, the exception is soccer, you guys will let Samir Nasri and Zidane play only because they are awesomely good players, but wait they're both Algerians, do i see any other Algerians playing for the French national team, uh No!, I will make Sweeping Generalizations, i will be a hypocrite, least im honest about it, whereas you can't one, be freackin appropriate by not posting tons of photos of half naked men, two, by simply admitting that you said what ive quoted you as saying, rather than everytime i bring it up, mocking me with something.
Third, you're just pathetic man. Are you projecting something you wanna be bro? Do you want to be the rockin Asian with a nice body who looks actually half decent as an underwear model, are you jelly because the Asians look so much freackin better than you personally. If you are trying to mock me, then ok, Id rather be the Asian making 150K a year who has a nice body and looks good in underwear; than the stupid Frenchman who can't freackin get up and go exercise because he's too large; and is angry at the world so he either has to make every comment he makes, sound like he's better than everyone; or he has to be rude in every comment he makes. Also, why the fuck do you care if i am part of Ride or Die or not(because you personally dont like it doesn't count) if the admins or the RIde or Die clan had a problem with it, they would've told me personally.

bahahahaha. You're right I shouldn't have responded but the opportunity was too good. This post is hilarious though. "its a proven fact that French people are the most racist". I don't think that can be topped.
Nice quote bro, you can not believe me all you like, you can go look at up, google it why don't you. Thats all? Thats all you're going to respond with? really, didn't think it would be this easy, if you don't respond you look even more pathetic, after all this is a thread devoted totally to Flaming you is it not, and oh wait your " Little problem" with me.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
I'm definitely not going to put the effort to respond to any of that hilariously ignorant garbage. You tell me I'm racist and then write a whole paragraph trying to insult my country and its people while I'm willing to bet you've never been to France or know anything about  its people beyond stereotypes.
ceddeeoo Wrote:I'm definitely not going to put the effort to respond to any of that hilariously ignorant garbage. You tell me I'm racist and then write a whole paragraph trying to insult my country and its people while I'm willing to bet you've never been to France or know anything about  its people beyond stereotypes.
errr but you just did by posting bro, hypocrite much?

On the side, you know what this troll war does, it attracts no members to the forum,  ;D, or trolls, oh well, it makes an otherwise dull forum, more interesting(the people aren't dull just theres sometimes no activity here at all).
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
I could have responded to every point you made, I chose to respond to your whole rant with one sentence. There's a difference.
bump. hilarious thread
French people are not the most racist, they are just extremely nationally oriented.
[Image: 8yi3kn.png]
woah, since when did this get brought out of the grave?
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
pTK, post: 68704, member: 2725 Wrote:French people are not the most racist, they are just extremely nationally oriented.

no we have not been nationalistic at all since the revolution... french people critisize everything constantly, including their government and country. The only nationalistic thing about france is that the extremist right wing political party gets 3rd place every time in the presidential elections... those are the racists (
[SIZE=12px]17.90% of the votes in the 2012 elections)[/SIZE]
you guys are stupid if you think french people are racists.
[Image: e1GzZ.gif]

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