Jul 16 2012, 11:52 AM
silly, post: 67849, member: 2152 Wrote:Actually, it is essentially removing the awp monopoly from popular maps. If Mr Tea, you and I were on popular maps, on T side, only one of us would be able to have the awp. The most dedicated/quickest person would be able to obtain the awp every time. The monopoly is compounded when there's 10 or even 20 people on your team. I've played on maps from their beginning to end without ever being able to purchase an awp (despite trying). At least with ruplayer's (probably suspiciously intended) suggestion, everyone gets at least 1 chance. If any of you argue that the 1 awp per team limit is better, it means that either you want to continue the awp monopoly for yourselves (and as a direct consequence restrict the ability of others to use the awp) because you don't want to get shot by an awp, because you don't like change, or simply because you couldn't care less.In your proposed section, I would get the AWP every round. Joker wouldn't try to buy it unless someone continued to AWP him. I would money save until I could get it while you would most likely buy a weapon or armor. I would buy the AWP first chance I got. You would get enough money, but the AWP would be bought. You would continue to buy max buyout with your cash and be frustrated not getting the AWP. I usually join the losing team, many times I will be afk for 6 secs and still can buy the awp because most players don't manage/plan with their money.
I can't be the quickest person. The start of every round I am behind all of the US players because of my latency delay when buying the AWP. Yet, I get it most of the time. If you can't buy/get the AWP most of the time its because you don't really want it. You would like it, but then again, you like a lot of other weapons too.
Good Idea Fairies usually pop in to benefit their playing style. Hence the reduced round time on pop maps 6 months ago. When 40 ppl were on and a Massive battle would take place on a overly favored map, the underdog would run out of time when having a good shot at winning. Italy is a perfect example. Why did this change happen? Because an impatient person joined because most other players don't hold down their W,A,S,D keys and would die in within 30 secs every round. No vote, change was made and just favored that style.
If you really want to allow the casual awper to get an AWP make a plugin where a player can override the AWP restricted 1 time per map, but after they die with it they are governed by the AWP restriction.