Sep 25 2012, 03:12 AM
This giveaway will end on the 29th of this month. We will announce the winners then.
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Eternal, post: 72853, member: 478 Wrote:Eternal’s Essay Response:
I thought to myself that I would go ahead and give this a shot, because it never hurts to try something. So, the question here is: Why should I be the one to win the copy of the game? My answer to this is honest and probably the same for a lot of people, I would enjoy having it, and owning it. I think it would give me a better reason to be more communicative with other people (mainly wL users, also other non wL members), seeing as we have launched the servers for it, and a lot of active wL users seem to be on it. Since I am fairly new to the Counter Strike title(s), I also think it’d be quite a different/good game to be playing, especially with people who are in the same community as me. I will honestly admit that I have not done/played any other Counter Strike game, except for Counter Strike: Source, which this community has introduced me to.
I’m not a very lucky person when it comes to these types of contests, which is why I never tend to participate in them. I can admit to being a sore loser sometimes, which seems to only bring back luck for the future, but, why not give it a shot, win or lose. I’m also not much of a competitive person when it comes to competitions like this, so I tend to not make it far with them. I know this will be a hard decision for the people(s) who are going to choose the winner, it seems like it would be a very difficult choice, having to pick one out of the total amount.
Finishing high-school two months ago has not left me open to other opportunities, seeing as finding a job is difficult and figuring what I want to do with college, seems to be even more difficult. Gaming for me is a hobby, and has been for quite the longest time in my life. It is something that I have always done if I was in need of passing time or having a good time, and the occasional rage moment. So with that all being said, all I have left to say is: I would be very grateful and very pleased to receive the game from the wL community.
Win or lose, I wish everyone who enters good luck, and hope you for the best. Thank you for the people who are allowing this to be held for the community.
My GameMe profile:
(I only play the 24/7 D2 DM Server, so that’s all I can provide)
Thank you for reading.
~ Eternal
joker8baller, post: 73449, member: 835 Wrote:
Well, here goes nothing.
I believe I should win a copy of CS:GO in this competition because I would be interested in watching CounterStrike evolve over the next couple of years. I have been playing CounterStrike for quite a while in various accounts. With this copy of CS:GO, I can continue playing Counter-Strike throughout the years. As a result, I would also be able to continue admining in various War-Lords servers. While CounterStrike hasn't been my favorite past time as of late, I'm unable to quit playing due to the community. While I have been a member for a little over a year now, I have made countless friends and I believe that with a copy of CS:GO, I will be able to continue to do so.
In addition to this, as a recent graduate from a University, I'm broke as a joke. I'm currently working 2 jobs over the summer and have been logging around 50-60 hours a week. Unfortunately the majority of this money goes back into rent, food, and my upcoming practice course. With myself paying back a great deal of loans, I'm not exactly liquid to buy much else.
I won't lie, GO isn't my idea of a continuation of the Counter-Strike franchise, but rather a divergence. However, a great deal of players on the war-lords server as well as the regulars who scrim are making the move towards CS:GO so I believe that it will become necessary for most of our regulars and players to make the move to get used to the game. I'd like to get a copy so I can move with the skill level of other players so I can develop new strategies and techniques that complement my play style. Rather than waiting to afford GO in the upcoming future, with this copy, I can play now.
Edit: Most of my spare money is going towards repairs for my computer as it currently does not work. I do play on my laptop exclusively right now, which is rather annoying after coming from a desktop.
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