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Resolved  Unban Drunk NOW!!
Bison doesnt use the ban button easily there must be something big
General Josh, post: 67998, member: 946 Wrote:Seems like the majority opinion agrees that Drunk should be allowed to play, that it was harsh indeed to permaban him.

The majority don't know what is behind that ban though, they only know about the ''voting with multiple accounts'' part.
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Assassin, post: 68016, member: 2398 Wrote:Bison doesnt use the ban button easily there must be something big
So why doesn't he tell me? or Let everyone know?
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Because he is afk right now, he's pretty accurate with "snooze" status on steam. Wait till he comes back, and he will shed some light on this thread. Further posting here wont get you or any other members anywhere.
[Image: jqmd52.png][Image: Craack.gif]
In fact, i agree with Ptk, and yes Drunk can and has been an Asshole to me, and to others. I never said i like him, and i never said i was your fucking Friend Drunk Killer, im doing this just to see one, how arbitrary our admins can be. Two Its very harsh to perm him, Ban him for 6 months sure, and revoke and never give back the adminship, but dont permaban him. I would do the same thing for anyone else i found that got unfairly done in like this, usually ppl dont ask. Drunk lets make this clear, i dont like u, i dont hate u, but i sure as hell dont like u, i just want to see and unbiased ruling given here, not one where its "because Bison said so". Unrestricted power of the absolute monarch bs.
Now then Bison, provide us evidence so that all these nerftards who are solely saying unban becaues Drunk's their friend, can see that he is actually an asshole of a player, otherwise your gonna look pretty bad in the court of community opinion.
Id like him banned too, for my own reasons, mainly cause he's been a smart ass and a jerk to me at times, also cuz he was a kiss up in a above post(i hate kissups Period!), i want to see it done fairly though, for well explained reasons that both sides can have no objections to. Bison, provide us a record(im sure u have one) Drunk, you'll admit to every charge that that record and others can prove as true. if you lie, or make excuses, then i wont care what happens, and the admins can keep u banned.
Im in this so the admins aren't allowed to make Absolute decisions with unrestricted power and authority, especially in a big deal like this where many feel it was harsh, and im also in it to make sure that erstwhile asshole Drunk gets his just desserts , if indeed Drunk can be proven as ptk says, then i will have no objections to a ban, if indeed Drunk stops being an ass and making excuses and the cowardly innocent statements, then i can say it shouldnt equate to a permaban.
Be a Man Drunk Killer, or get the fuck out, if you cant truthfully and fully admit and tell us what u did over the past say 5 months, then you don't deserve mine or anyones regard or pity, and you will have no credibility.
Same to u bison, if u cant provide convincing evidence and a a record that your decision was justified and why, then no one here will give u credibility either. Both sides have to lose, Drunk has more to lose, i'd rather see Drunk lose too, but i want to see it done fairly, not because of an absolute monarch style ruling.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
Dr. Ruplayer, post: 68022, member: 9168 Wrote:Because he is afk right now, he's pretty accurate with "snooze" status on steam. Wait till he comes back, and he will shed some light on this thread. Further posting here wont get you or any other members anywhere.
Why while he was reading the forum he didn't PM'd me back? Why while he was PLAYING yesterday, he didn't answer me back?
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Because it's probably admin-only talk, when ex-admins got demoted, did the community knows the full reason? no. ( for example, look at our most recent admin-demoted case that happened before you, DK. Did we get to know everything? no, only a part of it. )
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I'd like to point out, that Bison and I were talking in game yesterday, and i sent him a few messages over steam. He replied to those messages 9 hours later. -.- I'm only an admin and when I log on I get upwards of 6+ people messaging me about random crap. I can't even beging to imagine the amount bison gets. Patience, at least you are demonstrating how you lack it.
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Never said i wasn't willing to wait Ptk, just stating what i want from both parties so we can all see a resolute and fair decision. Nobody likes an Absolute Monarch style ruling, nobody like Drunk Killer that much either, lets all make sure he gets banned fairly and for good reasons ok, not this "because Bison says so".
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
Things I made to the community:
-Brought many players to it
-Always followed the rules
-Enforced the rules way to much,(got admit that), but always enforced them.
-Being here for a long time already

Things I got to admit:

-Power went to head
-I became an ass after getting admin
-I lost friends because of it (ptk is a example of it)
-I don't really know the full version of this ban, all I know/have about this entire situation is a log from a conversation of Bison and a friend right after my ban, here it is:

Quote:[SIZE=13px] Brawl Bashin’ Bison: [qu ote="steam]quote[/SIZE][ /quote]
[SIZE=13px]GLK: i mean thx [/SIZE][SIZE=13px][Image: cheesy.gif][/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]GLK:[/SIZE] [SIZE=13px];\[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]Brawl Bashin’ Bison: lmao[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]GLK:[/SIZE][SIZE=13px] almost first place in rotation! Big GrinDDD[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]Brawl Bashin’ Bison: yeah[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]Brawl Bashin’ Bison: 35% awp[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]GLK:[/SIZE][SIZE=13px] awpallday[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]GLK:[/SIZE][SIZE=13px] this thread has ppl ragin hard[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]GLK:[/SIZE][SIZE=13px] lolol[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]Brawl Bashin’ Bison: lmao[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]Brawl Bashin’ Bison: i had to ban an admin cuz of it[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]GLK:[/SIZE][SIZE=13px] damnnn[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]Brawl Bashin’ Bison: he was making multiple accounts[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]Brawl Bashin’ Bison: and voting no[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]Brawl Bashin’ Bison: on it lmao[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]GLK:[/SIZE][SIZE=13px] now i know not 2[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13px]Brawl Bashin’ Bison: earned himself a perm ban[/SIZE]

Nothing that I know about it.
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