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Whoever sent me this warning
ruplayer Wrote:
silly Wrote:Some people are raised as violent racists, does that make it okay?
Good point, he should blame his parents.

Or maybe you should blame the society you were brought up in?

naive Wrote:"I even dated an Indian girl once. I'm far from racist. " You're gay, racist coverup lie.

Yeah, because everyone is gay now has always been gay, and has never dated a girl ever. See my Oscar Wilde reference.

naive Wrote:"Also being prejudiced against Russian people is NOT racism. " False statement.

That's not a false statement. As far as I see it, we're all part of the human RACE. I could be xenophobic, or just biased to hate towards people of a certain culture (in this case, the Russian culture). But I'm not, and that's not racism.

naive Wrote:"If this is how all Russians are raised, then I feel very sorry for your native country." Inherently racist implication.

He made a statement saying that there are no gay people in Russia and he was brought up without people of different sexualities in his country. I feel sorry for him because he hasn't had the experience of being brought up in a community which embraces people with different backgrounds and preferences. I can only talk from personal experience, but I'd have hated to have been brought up in a country where everyone is the same. Diversity is the spice of life.

naive Wrote:"most Koreans love Starcraft" Statistically incorrect prejudice.

Again, wrong. As far as I'm aware, the original Starcraft game has its biggest fanbase in Korea.  When looking in to Starcraft, I learnt that a lot of the best players in the world are Korean, and a lot of Korean people I know have confirmed that Starcraft is still huge in their country.

naive Wrote:"and next to Germans, Russians were the most notorious for hacking (especially during 1.6 and the early days of Source)" racial stereotype

Not at all. The communities I was part of several years ago (especially the hacking communities), a large majority of those users were German and Russian. Why else would I have learnt to speak German? Das ist jetzt langweilig.....

SpartanOnLSD Wrote:Anyway, you guys should just stay away from eachother, or just have it out with each other in the flames sextion. I think that everyone would enjoy reading the lot of it.

You guys are both cool dudes but come on this fight is Seriously getting old and and it's going in a circle. Just get over your huge egos. I'm not saying that you should be best buds but FFS just drop it. Please?

As I said, my main point was that I was annoyed at the warning, and now it's developed into uncovering Ruplayers blatant homophobia. I wonder how Jaycat will feel when he finds out that one of the staff members hates gay people? He's said before that his son is gay.

Well whatever, I'm done. I mean, the root admins here are so apathetic that I doubt anything would be done about Ruplayer. You all just accept the fact that some people have massive flaws in their personality, and don't seem to care that he's massively homophobic. Maybe if I was a huge racist, then I'd still be accepted in this communtiy? According to Ruplayer, being a racist and being gay are the same thing, so I might as well be racist as well, right?
If you read this, you suck.
Well everyone can have their own opinions,and those who dont share your own opinion aren't fuckin idiots.You are the fuckin idiot for not accepting their opinions.
[Erevanski]...    (CFC) Wrote:Well everyone can have their own opinions,and those who dont share your own opinion aren't fuckin idiots.You are the fuckin idiot for not accepting their opinions.

You're a fucking idiot if you're so small minded that you can't expand your thought beyond that of what has been drilled into you by your country. Maybe I should hate Muslims because 70% of my country hates Muslims? No, because I have free thought, and I can think for myself because I was brought up to question things. Idiot.
If you read this, you suck.
Oh I didn't know you were gay. I thought you were just joking around. :\
I just want to apologize for calling you "faggot", "fag", "gay", etc.
I don't mind gays and I believe that they should be treated fairly like other people. I have a friend who is bisexual. I don't think it's a choice like most people think.
pTK Wrote:Never a cheater, but could be a cheater, Once a cheater, less likely legiter. Ruplayer you bitter, You gotta admit everyone's a commiter.
FenKeN Wrote:I just want to apologize for calling you "faggot", "fag", "gay", etc.

I don't care about those things, it doesn't bother me. Gay people have had a lot worse things done to them than some baddie calling them "faggots" in a video game Tongue
If you read this, you suck.
I, The Rival Wrote:Das ist jetzt langweilig.....
Ja, Ich denke so auch.
[Image: bxj6gaq99c9hyvinfkvn.jpg]
[Image: w0l5y0.png]
MindHACKer Wrote:
I, The Rival Wrote:Das ist jetzt langweilig.....
Ja, Ich denke so auch.
das ist sehr nicht gut Sad
If you read this, you suck.
Some people get it wrong, but nobody attempt to prove that gay people aren't human. Gay - is just your personal preference, and which in my opinion is weird and stupid, but it's just my opinion. I doubt any father would want his son to become a gay one day, some people have to deal with this problem in their own families. I never called anyone in this community "faggot", "fag" by the way, check my logs everywhere, I don't use these words at all.
[Image: jqmd52.png][Image: Craack.gif]
I, The Rival Wrote:das ist sehr nicht gut Sad
nicht traurig sein, du kannst sie einfach ignorieren.  Smile
[Image: bxj6gaq99c9hyvinfkvn.jpg]
[Image: w0l5y0.png]
ruplayer Wrote:I doubt any father would want his son to become a gay one day, some people have to deal with this problem in their own families.

It's just so simple minded!!! You should love your son unconditionally, no matter if he's gay, straight or anything in between! It's not a problem to be gay, it's something that is celebrated. Diversity is a good thing. It doesn't matter if you think it's wrong, gay people can still have children. Some people don't even want children, did you even think of that? With 7 billion people on the planet (and constantly rising), we need more gay people to quell the population boom! I realise that it's your opinion, but if I thought the same way about black people as you did about gay people, would you just say "well that's fair enough, that's how he was raised"? I don't think you would.
If you read this, you suck.

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