If I was allowed to place bans without evidence, then I could get rid of this clown. That being said, I've been sure people were hacking, banned them, then realized I was clearly wrong from the demo. I have hundreds of bans and it really isn't that difficult to demo the hackers that make it past SMAC from time to time.
If you have spent enough time spectating a person to have any right to say they are hacking.. why not type record 'demoname' to keep the evidence for later when you first suspect someone? If you are doing your due diligence in detecting hackers for a ban, typing record and uploading a demo adds only about 2 minutes to each ban. I can do it in between rounds while I'm playing if a person is quite obvious.
Without a demo it's hard to rip some one away from a server they may have been playing on for months and months without having evidence and being positive of your judgement. We don't like banning people most of the time, but it's necessary. We definitely don't want to over ban and get rid of innocent people, thus evidence is needed. We did not used to require demos and enacting the requirement end up keeping more hackers out of the server, because it was harder for people to protest against good evidence.
With demo's we are able to give lesser skilled people admin to handle hackers and not have to worry too much if they are banning the wrong people, so we have more admins because of demos. I'm probably one of the more skilled people at detecting hackers of our admins, and I get things wrong all the time still. I wouldn't trust other peoples word on hacks if i can barely trust my own without taking a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th look at a demo sometimes.
As for hitbox hacking and etc, I'd say give us 5 demo's at least, if even one of them has a hacker it might be worth considering finding a solution to this alleged series of hacks, but I highly doubt you can provide one. I think the hacks you are claiming are rampant are only in your imagination.
Claiming that you only hack to "hack" hackers, while at the same time complaining about hackers on our servers make me think you are possibly hacking. I'll be watching.
"Most people think time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm."