Aug 15 2012, 09:37 AM
Hey JayCat and everyone!!
I'm Gray, dunno if you've seen me or not, but if you do, remember to say hi! :3
Besides that, I would really like a chance to win CS:GO. I first started playing CS1.6 on my family computer when I was like 7-8. Then my brother bought his computer and got CS:S, I would always sneak onto his computer when he wasn't home and play it all the time
Now I am 16 and I bought my own computer around 4 months ago, so I bought Source and have played it ever since I got it. Pretty much every time I get home from school I get on and either go on warlords or an Australian Office server
I've had it for a little over a month and have played over 150 hours. Which in my opinion is sad. But I love it. I went to a convention in Melbourne and they had CS:GO at a Razer booth, and I couldn't get to play it because the line was too big! hahaha! But anyway, I saw gameplay and it looked amazing. I thought I would get the game, but then I saw this competition, so I thought I'd have a chance
Playing videogames is my biggest hobby, and CS:S is the game I have most played
I would love the chance to try the next game in the series and enjoy it with the wL community!!
If I do win that would be awesome, if I don't? who cares! :p
Thanks for taking your time to read this dude! <3
- Josh (Gray)
P.S. What server do you play on Jay? I'll join you some time!!

Besides that, I would really like a chance to win CS:GO. I first started playing CS1.6 on my family computer when I was like 7-8. Then my brother bought his computer and got CS:S, I would always sneak onto his computer when he wasn't home and play it all the time

Thanks for taking your time to read this dude! <3
- Josh (Gray)

P.S. What server do you play on Jay? I'll join you some time!!