Nov 22 2018, 12:59 AM
I came mostly for the comments at the start while i was dead waiting in pubg squad.
Being french canadian i didnt know at all that coon is/was a racial slur (in the U.S.A, Au and NZ)
Maybe he didnt either, after all english isnt our first language and technically (according to wikipedia and my limited knowledge on the topic) coon isnt a racist slur where we are living.
1 day ban and locked name/clan tag isnt a big deal so i dont really care if the ban remains or not, just giving my 2cent
Being french canadian i didnt know at all that coon is/was a racial slur (in the U.S.A, Au and NZ)
Maybe he didnt either, after all english isnt our first language and technically (according to wikipedia and my limited knowledge on the topic) coon isnt a racist slur where we are living.
1 day ban and locked name/clan tag isnt a big deal so i dont really care if the ban remains or not, just giving my 2cent